【行業數據】調查:香港企業招聘率上年增逾3成 Survey suggests Hong Kong Enterprises' Recruitment Rate Increased by Over 30% Last Year

【行業數據】調查:香港企業招聘率上年增逾3成 Survey suggests Hong Kong Enterprises' Recruitment Rate Increased by Over 30% Last Year





Deel亞洲業務拓展總監Karen Ng指出,香港企業在吸引人才方面採取明確策略,積極運用全球招聘方法來搜尋世界各地的優秀人才。因此,全球招聘領域的穩定和顯著增長在預期之內。對於在數碼時代成長並在疫情期間開始職業生涯的新一代人才而言,遠程和混合工作方式已成日常,使得跨國招聘和就業對他們至關重要。

Hong Kong enterprises have increased their global talent recruitment by 34%. This data not only highlights the active restart of development by Hong Kong businesses but also symbolizes their proactive strategy in the international talent market. This change marks a new phase in corporate development and reflects the new trend in global human resource management.

According to Deel's "State of Global Hiring Report 2023," there is a continuing increase in demand for international and remote talents, especially in fields such as technology, sales, and copywriting. This change in recruitment methods has expanded the diversity of the talent pool and brought more flexibility and innovation possibilities to Hong Kong's labour market.

With the development of globalization trends, Hong Kong talents are increasingly favoured in the international market, with the overseas employment rate growing to 36.2% in 2023. This demonstrates the competitiveness of Hong Kong talents in the global market, particularly in areas like software development, statistics, game development, sales, and marketing. The prevalence of cross-border and remote working models has become a new norm for career development, especially for the new generation who grew up in the digital era and started their careers post-pandemic.

In terms of salary trends, teaching (24%), sales (8%), software engineering (4%), and content (3%) positions lead in global salary growth. In contrast, positions in customer support, recruiting,accountant, assistant, and marketing have seen salary decreases.

Karen Ng, Deel's Head of Expansion in Asia, and Market Lead for Singapore, Hong Kong, ASEAN, India, pointed out that Hong Kong enterprises have adopted clear strategies in attracting talents, actively utilizing global recruitment methods to search for the best talents worldwide. Therefore, the stable and significant growth in the global recruitment field is within expectations. For the new generation who grew up in the digital era and started their careers during the pandemic, remote and hybrid work modes have become routine, making cross-border recruitment and employment crucial for them.

