【港人玩盡?】調查:港人平均每年放假28日 全球第二多 Survey: Hongkongers Take an Average of 28 Days Off Annually, Second Highest Globally

【港人玩盡?】調查:港人平均每年放假28日 全球第二多

旅遊網站Expedia 昨日發布第24份《假期貧乏研究報告》(Vacation Deprivation Report),數據顯示,在職港人在2023年平均放假28天,為全球第二多,僅次於法國(29天);而香港打工仔的假期貧乏感(定義為假期不足的感覺)亦從去年的61%下降至57%,較全球平均值(62%)為低。






調查認為,錯失恐懼(Fear of Missing Out,FOMO)是他們對假期卻步的一大原因。FOMO並不僅限於特定的世代,但在Z世代中更為普遍。25%的Z世代在職人士在過去一年曾因擔心在假期中可能會錯過重要或有趣的工作機會而放棄休假;有同樣看法的千禧世代與X世代則分別為15%和10%。

Expedia Group全球品牌公共關係主管Melanie Fish表示,雖然Z世代在職人士平均每年休假時間達到37天,遠超過千禧世代(27天)和X世代(23天),但Z世代表達出更強烈的假期貧乏感。Z世代有必要學習如何更有效地利用和享受休假時間,以恢復身心健康。

According to the 24th annual "Vacation Deprivation Report" released by online travel agency website Expedia, employed Hongkongers took an average of 28 vacation days in 2023, ranking second globally, just behind France with 29 days. The feeling of vacation deprivation (defined as the feeling of not having enough vacation) among Hongkongers also improved, it dropped from 61% last year to 57%, which is lower than the global average of 62%.

While employees around the world generally do not use all their vacation days, Hongkongers are an exception. Last year, the average number of vacation days taken by Hongkongers was two days more than what their employers allocated.

This annual report primarily analyzes global vacation trends among employed individuals. The latest data indicates that the percentage of Hongkongers feeling vacation-deprived has decreased, but it also reveals significant differences in how different age groups perceive and enjoy vacations. 

High Vacation Deprivation Among Hong Kong’s Gen Z

Gen Z in Hong Kong feels more vacation-deprived than any other generation, with up to 75% of respondents indicating they do not have enough vacation time. In comparison, only 59% of Millennials and 61% of Gen X feel the same.

Despite 56% of employed Gen Z taking a vacation at least once every three months and 29% taking a vacation monthly, only 36% chose to travel aboard during their most recent vacation. Instead, 24% of employed Gen Z spent their last vacation at home. In contrast, among Millennials, who feel less vacation-deprived, 46% traveled during their most recent vacation.

The survey suggests that the fear of missing out (FOMO) is a significant reason for Gen Z’s hesitation to take vacations. While FOMO is not exclusive to any generation, it is more prevalent among Gen Z. In the past year, 25% of employed Gen Z skipped vacations due to concerns about missing important or interesting work opportunities, compared to 15% of Millennials and 10% of Gen X.

Melanie Fish, Head of Global Brand Public Relations at Expedia Group, noted that although Gen Z employees take an average of 37 vacation days annually—far more than Millennials (27 days) and Gen X (23 days)—they express a stronger sense of vacation deprivation. Fish emphasized that Gen Z needs to learn how to more effectively use and enjoy their vacation time to rejuvenate their physical and mental health.

