【商業智慧】從Google行政總裁學習:如何避免因決策失誤而後悔 Learning from Google CEO: How to Avoid Regrets in Decision Making

【商業智慧】從Google行政總裁學習:如何避免因決策失誤而後悔 Learning from Google CEO: How to Avoid Regrets in Decision Making

當面對決策困難時,我們或會問自己:如果當初的選擇不同,結果會如何?Google行政總裁Sundar Pichai提出了3個方法避免因決策失誤而後悔。

  1. 回顧過去的決策
  2. 將視角放遠,考慮長期影響
  3. 在喧囂中尋找真正的信號


When facing the difficulties of business decisions, we often ask ourselves: What would have happened if the choice had been different? Google CEO Sundar Pichai has proposed 3 methods to avoid regret due to decision-making mistakes.

  1. Be Brave to Review Past Decisions
    Looking back after each decision, we can always find room for improvement. However, it's important to recognize that the decision at the time was based on the best information available then. Dwelling on endless 'what ifs' only leads us to get lost in imaginary assumptions, ignoring the rationality and value of the decision at that time.
  2. Broaden the Perspective, Consider Long-Term Impact
    Many choices that seem significant, with the passage of time, may not have a significant impact on the long-term outlook. Considering the issue within a broader timeframe can help us reduce regret and anxiety over current choices.
  3. Find the Real Signal in the Noise
    In today's rapidly changing technology field, distinguishing between hype and real trend changes is a major challenge for leaders. The rise of artificial intelligence is a good example, requiring us to find those signals with long-term significance among the many voices.

These insights are not only about achieving success in the business realm but also about how to maintain a clear mind and a positive attitude in the rapidly changing modern world. As business leaders, we should apply these principles to our daily decision-making process, learn from them, and find direction amidst uncertainty.

