【商業智慧】摩根大通CEO戴蒙對年輕人的一些建議 Advice from JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon for Young People


摩根大通CEO戴蒙(Jamie Dimon),是一位著名的美國銀行家,同時也是紐約聯邦儲備銀行的董事會成員。2011年,戴蒙曾被《時代》週刊評選為「100位最具影響力的人物」。早年,戴蒙在接受LinkedIn訪問時,曾向年輕人提出一些職場建議。




Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan Chase, is a renowned American banker and also a member of the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. In 2011, Dimon was selected as one of the "100 Most Influential People" by TIME Magazine. In an earlier interview with LinkedIn, Dimon offered some career advice to young people.

Firstly, young individuals should work hard. Dimon believes that putting in hard work is a key to success. While some may harbor fantasies of getting rich quickly, he has never seen such a thing, perhaps it's possible in a casino, but it's not common.

Secondly, continuous learning is necessary – learning from colleagues, clients, and competitors. Dimon mentioned that he reads 4 to 5 newspapers every day to engage with a variety of information. He emphasized that innovation isn't just a momentary inspiration; many great things accumulate gradually. For instance, the iPhone incorporates various fields such as material science, semiconductors, batteries, and more – it's not an overnight achievement.

Thirdly, maintaining the possibility of job mobility is essential. Don't become fixated on a job solely due to the salary. Instead, explore more roles that you enjoy. Dimon expressed that some people might feel they can't choose a job with lower pay but a better work environment. In reality, opting for a job you genuinely like is more important and unequivocally the right thing to do.

編輯/製圖:Business Digest

