【商業智慧】王維基:成功是即使時光倒流,都會做一樣的事。每一刻每件事都做到盡,無後悔就是成功 Ricky Wong: Success is doing the same thing even if time is reversed. Doing your best in every moment and every task, success is having no regrets






Whether in long-distance telephony or the development of Hong Kong broadband, Ricky Wong believes that as long as there is a goal and effort, "man can conquer nature." However, reality is not always so. The experience with the free TV license taught him that no matter how much you put in, the results might not meet expectations, making him realize that "man" might not always be able to conquer "nature." However, it's these experiences that made him recognize that success is not just about reaching a goal, but also doing your best in every moment and having no regrets with every choice. As he said, "Success is doing the same thing even if time were to be reversed. Doing your best in every moment and every task, success is having no regrets."

In the business world, Ricky Wong's adventurous spirit is exemplary. From investing heavily in fiber-optic technology to the free TV license incident, he has always faced risks head-on. The transformation of HKTVmall is an outstanding example.

Faced with adversity, Ricky Wong's response is not to give up but to transform. When "Hong Kong Television" failed to obtain the free TV license, he immediately thought about how to transform and eventually created the e-commerce led HKTVmall. He believes that the process of transformation is undoubtedly challenging, but as he said, "If you don't want to perish, you must transform." To successfully transform, the first thing is to have the courage to forget past achievements and have the bravery to learn new things.

In this era of change, Ricky Wong reminds us that real success is continuous learning, innovation, and the courage not to fear failure. No matter what your definition is, real success is having no regrets about the past and moving forward courageously.

