【商業智慧】輝達創辦人黃仁勳給名校學生的贈言:祝你們承受更多痛苦與折磨 NVIDIA's founder Jensen Huang's message to elite school students: "I wish upon you ample doses of pain and suffering."

輝達創辦人黃仁勳給名校學生的贈言:祝你們承受更多痛苦與折磨 NVIDIA's founder Jensen Huang's message to elite school students: "I wish upon you ample doses of pain and suffering."

當成功人士被問及對於年青人有何贈言時,他們通常都會以積極態度作出勉勵,再祝福眾人一帆風順、步向康莊大道。輝達(NVIDIA)創辦人黃仁勳近日回到母校史丹福大學發表演講時,卻衷心祝願這些名校學生「承受更多痛苦與折磨(I wish upon you ample doses of pain and suffering)」。為何他會對自己的師弟妹作出這般「詛咒」?

原來,黃仁勳認為,只有經歷過挑戰和痛苦,人才能培養出真正的韌性和卓越的品格。他坦言,那些擁有非常高期望的人往往韌性較差,更表示 :「我的一大優點,就是我只有十分低的期望。」



不經一番寒徹骨, 怎得梅花撲鼻香——常人總對苦難避之唯恐不及,生怕困境降臨,這固然是人之常情。但原來在追求成功的道路上,遭遇挫折與困難,是培養堅韌個性和優秀品格的重要機遇。在成長路上遭遇痛苦,克服磨難,才會走上世人難及、真正的康莊大道。

When successful people are asked for advice for the youth, they often encourage with a positive attitude and wish everyone smooth sailing and a path to success. However, Jensen Huang, the architect behind NVIDIA, took a markedly different stance during his address at his former school, Stanford University, declaring, “I wish upon you ample doses of pain and suffering.”Why would he make such a "curse"?

Huang believes that only through experiencing challenges and pain can one develop true resilience and outstanding character. He openly says that those with very high expectations often have less resilience, adding: "One of my biggest advantages is that I have very low expectations."

This tech mogul, worth $80 billion, was born in Tainan, Taiwan, moved to Thailand with his parents, and later went to the United States for education. Before leading NVIDIA to become the third largest company in the world by market value, after Apple and Microsoft, he worked as a dishwasher in Denny’s restaurant in the U.S., enduring many difficulties and challenges on his entrepreneurial journey, facing skepticism, and even being persuaded by his mother to "just get a proper job." However, Huang overcame numerous obstacles and suffering, developing a resilient character, and eventually founding NVIDIA and achieving success.

Huang mentioned that even top institutions like Stanford cannot teach resilience. He hopes that students will experience enough pain and suffering because great character is not formed by intelligence alone but through trials and challenges. That's why he gives this "curse" to the younger generation, especially those from prestigious schools like Stanford: "I hope you will feel ample pain and suffering."

The adage 'No pain, no gain,' finds its echo here, highlighting a universal tendency to shy away from suffering, dreading the onset of challenging times. However, on the path to success, encountering setbacks and difficulties is a crucial opportunity to develop a resilient personality and excellent character. It's through enduring pain and overcoming hardships that one can embark on the truly great and difficult path to success.

