【商業智慧】黃仁勳電郵不超過6句?英偉達電郵須言簡意賅 Jensen Huang’s Email would not exceeds 6 lines? Nvidia's Emails Must Be Concise


憑藉為人工智能(AI)產業提供高算力晶片,英偉達(Nvidia)近年股價水漲船高,更一度成為全球市值最高企業。作為出類拔萃的科技公司,其創辦人兼行政總裁黃仁勳(Jensen Huang)的工作習慣和管理哲學亦受到多方關注。

據外媒Business Insider引述英偉達前員工報道,黃仁勳的電郵非常簡潔,不會超過6行,而他也希望別人的電郵能直入重點。同時,有前員工指,如果員工給他超長篇的電郵會惹上麻煩。

其中一位前員工將這種電郵溝通方法簡稱為「TL;DR」,意思是「太長了;沒看完(Too Long;Didn’t Read)」,以「TL;DR」反指電郵須言簡意賅。從入職初期,員工已被要求撰寫如「斷奏(staccato)」般的簡短電郵,整間公司都是這樣運作。




Leveraging its high-performance chips for the AI industry, Nvidia's stock has soared in recent years, making it one of the world's most valuable companies. As a leading tech firm, the work habits and management philosophy of its founder and CEO, Jensen Huang, have garnered significant attention.

According to Business Insider citing former Nvidia employees, Huang's emails are extremely concise, never exceeding six lines, and he expects others' emails to get straight to the point too. Additionally, a former employee mentioned that sending super-long emails to him could get you into trouble.

One former employee summarized this email communication method as "TL;DR," meaning "Too Long; Didn’t Read," sarcastically emphasizing emails must be concise. It was explained early on that employees are required to write short, staccato-like emails, and the entire company ran this way.

The rationale behind the brief emails is to ensure that employees cut to the chase. If others need more detailed information, it would be a conversation rather than another email.

A former executive believes that the essence of "TL;DR" is to get people to pay attention. It's a useful communication technique that helps quickly summarize complex topics, but it is not easy to master.

Moreover, Nvidia expects employees to email a "top five priorities" list they are working on each week to Jensen Huang or their managers to help focus on what needs to be completed. Another employee noted that this list also allows Huang to quickly understand the company’s situation. Huang will ask different regions or departments to communicate and collaborate to address the challenges when necessary.

