【求職秘笈】打造卓越CV:職場最關鍵的20項技能 Crafting an Outstanding CV: 20 Key Soft and Hard Skills in Demand

【求職秘笈】打造卓越CV:職場最關鍵的20項技能 Crafting an Outstanding CV: 20 Key Soft and Hard Skills in Demand

撰寫出色的CV是一種艱難的平衡藝術。有時候,我們在保持簡潔精練與包含足夠優質信息之間挑戰。以下是《快速企業》(Fast Company)精心挑選出了當前就業市場最為關鍵的20項軟硬實力:


  1. 解決問題能力:無論工作性質如何,總會有問題出現,僱主希望你能快速且有效地提出解決方案;
  2. 批判性思考能力:能理智、深思熟慮地思考問題,制定最佳步驟;
  3. 彈性:在不同情況下使用各種方法和途徑以獲得最佳結果的能力;
  4. 溝通技能:無論書面或口頭,有效的溝通能力對所有情況都非常重要;
  5. 團隊合作:大部分的工作都需要與其他人合作,僱主希望你能在團隊環境中成功;
  6. 組織技能:不僅是擁有整潔的辦公桌,還需要能為你的同事、管理層或自己組織任務和項目;
  7. 創造力:能提出創新解決方案,或者具有如寫作或設計等創新技能;
  8. 情緒智商:能識別並管理自己和他人的情緒;
  9. 關注細節:在工作中確保按照所有指示完成工作;

10. 責任心:作為一名好員工,需要為自己的職責甚至錯誤負責。


  1. 數位技能:大部分的工作都需要使用電腦和特定類型的軟體;
  2. 設計:不僅是顯然的圖形或網頁設計,許多工作都需要一些設計技能;
  3. 數據分析:理解數據並從中實踐的能力;
  4. 談判:涉及銷售產品或服務、採購股票或商品、產品或運輸的交易等;
  5. 數學:財務、商業、工程、建設、製造、物流、醫療、操作等都需要擁有一定的數學能力;
  6. 項目管理:能管理你的任務流並及時完成任務;
  7. 行銷:包括銷售和推廣產品和服務;
  8. 行政:即使你的工作性質不是行政性質,也可能是你角色的一部分;
  9. 寫作技能:許多工作都涉及寫作,無論是對客戶還是同事,基本的寫作能力都是必須的;

10. 外語:雙語或多語能力可能是你的一大優勢。


Writing an excellent CV is a challenging balancing act. Sometimes, we face the challenge of maintaining conciseness while including enough high-quality information. Here are the 20 key soft and hard skills currently in demand in the job market, carefully selected by "Fast Company":

Soft Skills:

  1. Problem-solving ability: Employers expect you to quickly and effectively propose solutions to various challenges that may arise in the job
  2. Critical thinking: The ability to think rationally and thoughtfully, devising the best course of action
  3. Adaptability: Being able to use different methods and approaches in various situations to achieve optimal results
  4. Communication skills: Effective communication, both written and oral, is crucial in all situations
  5. Teamwork: Most jobs require collaboration with others, and employers want to see your ability to thrive in a team environment
  6. Organizational skills: This includes not only having a tidy desk but also the ability to organize tasks and projects for yourself, colleagues, or management
  7. Creativity: The capability to propose innovative solutions or possess innovative skills like writing or design
  8. Emotional intelligence: The ability to recognize and manage your own and others' emotions
  9. Attention to detail: Ensuring tasks are completed according to all instructions

10. Responsibility: Being accountable for your duties and even mistakes as a good employee

Hard Skills:

  1. Digital skills: Most jobs involve using computers and specific types of software.
  2. Design: Many jobs require some level of design skills, not limited to graphic or web design.
  3. Data analysis: The ability to understand and implement insights from data.
  4. Negotiation: Involves deals related to selling products or services, purchasing stocks or commodities, product or transport deals, etc.
  5. Mathematics: Various fields like finance, business, engineering, construction, manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, and operations require a certain level of mathematical ability.
  6. Project management: The ability to manage task flow and complete projects on time.
  7. Marketing: Includes selling and promoting products and services.
  8. Administration: Even if your job is not administrative in nature, it might be a part of your role.
  9. Writing skills: Many jobs involve writing, and basic writing skills are necessary for communicating with clients or colleagues.

10. Foreign languages: Bilingual or multilingual abilities can be a significant advantage.

These 20 skills mentioned above are highly valued in today's job market. However, more skills listed in a CV do not necessarily mean it's superior. Quality, not quantity, is the real key. Therefore, we should focus on the job vacancy description, precisely grasp the keywords, and highlight the relevant skills accordingly. An outstanding CV is not determined by the number of skills but by accurately reflecting the expertise and capabilities of the job seeker.

