【留住人才】6大策略留住頂尖人才 6 Smart Ways to Retain Top Talents

【留住人才】6大策略留住頂尖人才 6 Smart Ways to Retain Top Talents


  1. 建立認可與肯定文化
  2. 創造挑戰與成長的機會
  3. 保持開放的溝通管道
  4. 給予員工決策的自由
  5. 促進工作和生活的平衡
  6. 長期經營關係


In the fast-paced world of business, retaining top-notch employees is not only a science but also an art. Your employees are the heart of your company, so how can you make these outstanding talents more willing to stay? Let us explore together.

  1. Establish Recognition and Affirmation Culture
    Simply raising salaries is not the answer. A study by Cornell University in the USA found that relying solely on salary increases might only be a temporary solution. Instead, frequently expressing recognition and affirmation to employees, even possibly in the form of small gifts or extra vacations, can make them feel their value within the organization.
  2. Create Opportunities for Challenges and Growth
    Allowing employees to feel weary and bored is one of the main reasons they leave. Providing growth opportunities and additional responsibilities not only keeps employees' interest but also shows your trust and expectations in them.
  3. Maintain Open Communication Channels
    Building good working relationships means always keeping communication with employees. Whether it's daily interaction or providing special "contact time", letting employees know their voices are heard is very important.
  4. Give Employees Freedom to Make Decisions
    Letting employees feel that their hands are not tied is an important part of cultivating a positive work experience. By regularly checking best practices or preferred procedures, your business can operate effectively while making employees feel happy and capable.
  5. Promote Work-Life Balance
    By providing more flexible working hours and control over schedules, you can help employees find a better balance between work and personal life. This not only helps increase employee satisfaction but also contributes to their long-term retention.
  6. Cultivate Long-term Relationships
    As a supervisor, you should not denigrate when employees leave, and you should also look to potential future collaborations. Building good working relationships means that the supervisor's role and attitude are extremely important.

Retaining top talents is not something that happens overnight; it requires careful consideration, patience, and relentless effort. Through these strategies, you can not only create a more cohesive team but also take your business to new heights.

