【職場人格】五種常見的職場人格 Five Common Workplace Personas

【職場人格】五種常見的職場人格 Five Common Workplace Personas


  1. 偵探
  2. 路上勇士
  3. 社交達人
  4. 問題解決者
  5. 表達家


In today's diverse workplace environment, Slack has released a report covering nine countries and 15,492 working professionals, summarizing five common workplace personalities. From exploring the characteristics of each personality type to understanding how they shape work culture, these insights are profoundly meaningful for both leaders and employees.

  1. Detectives
    This group makes up about 30% of the workforce. These individuals are naturally keen on seeking information and solutions. They are usually confident in organization and self-management and excel at working independently. They are curious, goal-oriented, proactive, and always well-informed.
  2. Road Warriors
    Making up about 22%, these colleagues prefer to work at their own pace, often choosing remote work or working from different locations. They are extroverted, friendly, eager to try new work tools, and adept at establishing connections in various environments. They demonstrate strong adaptability and flexibility and are enthusiastic about adopting new tools.
  3. Networkers
    Also representing 22%, these employees thrive in the workplace, excelling at building interpersonal relationships and often being the communication hub of the team. Their extroversion and collaborative spirit help facilitate team cooperation and information flow.
  4. Problem Solvers
    Accounting for 16%, they focus on improving efficiency and productivity. They are adept at finding ways to simplify work and are keen to adopt the latest technologies, including artificial intelligence.
  5. Expressionists
    This group constitutes only 10%. These colleagues are typically optimistic and cheerful, preferring to express themselves in a light-hearted manner, such as using emojis and GIFs. They believe that work communication should be fun and relaxed, and enjoy maintaining connections with others in remote work, bringing joy and creativity to the workplace.

This report not only reveals how various personality types shape our ways of working but also reminds us of the importance of understanding and respecting different work styles in building efficient and harmonious teams. Each personality type has its unique contributions, playing an important role in our increasingly diverse work environment. Which personality type do you and your colleagues fall into?

