【職場文化】為什麼某些團隊表現更出色?高效能團隊的三大秘密 Why do some teams perform better? Three secrets of high-performance teams

【職場文化】為什麼某些團隊表現更出色?高效能團隊的三大秘密 Why do some teams perform better? Three secrets of high-performance teams



  1. 互相理解:每位成員都有其專業知識、技能和職責。這些元素如何結合,並貢獻於整個團隊和組織的目標是至關重要的。
  2. 放心表達的環境:一個高效的團隊應鼓勵其成員表達意見,即使這些意見可能會引起爭議。不是說團隊中的每個人都要成為親密無間的朋友,而是要建立一種可以安全交流、犯錯和提出建議的環境。作為領導者要以身作則,願意展現自己的不完美,才能鼓勵團隊成員真誠地相互信任。
  3. 展示工作的意義:當人們知道他們的工作能夠對他人產生正面影響,他們的工作動力會更強。我們可以透過分享那些展示團隊或公司如何正面影響他人的故事,來使團隊成員更加了解他們工作的意義。


When you first step into a managerial position, the uncertainty and challenges you feel are often immense. But successful management often hinges on understanding and guiding your team.

First and foremost, understanding your team is the most crucial step. Team culture — the behavioral habits and norms among members — has a significant impact on its performance. Here are the three secrets of high-performing teams:

  1. Shared Understanding: Every member has their expertise, skills, and responsibilities. How these elements come together and contribute to the overall team and organizational goals is essential.
  2. Safe Communication Environment: A high-functioning team encourages its members to express opinions, even if they might be contentious. It doesn't mean everyone in the team has to become close friends, but rather establish an environment where one can safely communicate, make mistakes, and offer suggestions. As a leader, lead by example; be willing to show imperfections to encourage genuine mutual trust among team members.
  3. Purpose in Work: When people know their work positively impacts others, their motivation is heightened. Sharing stories that demonstrate how the team or company positively influences others can help team members understand the significance of their work.

As a new manager, your role is not only to manage and guide but to create a stage where they can shine. Only when each member feels they are an indispensable part of the team can a high-performance and harmonious team environment be created.

