【職場智慧】老闆和領導者的5大分別 5 Main Differences between a ‘Boss' and a 'Leader’

【職場智慧】老闆和領導者的5大分別 5 Main Differences between a ‘Boss' and a 'Leader’


  1. 老闆們命令;領導者們影響
  2. 老闆解釋任務;領導者啟發員工
  3. 老闆實施紀律;領導者提供指導
  4. 老闆分配任務;領導者分配權力
  5. 老闆位於團隊之上;領導者是團隊的一部分


A person can be an excellent manager, but it doesn't mean they are an excellent leader. There is a significant difference between a 'boss' and a 'leader.' In the business world, understanding these differences is crucial for anyone hoping to enhance their team and organization. Research by the background check technology company GoodHire shows that up to 82% of surveyed professionals say they would choose to leave their job due to dissatisfaction with their boss. Here are five main differences between a 'boss' and a 'leader.'

  1. Bosses command; leaders influence
    According to GoodHire's survey, most American employees are least satisfied with autocratic and micromanaging managers. A boss's authority comes from their position and power, managing the team through commands and control. In contrast, a leader's authority comes from their personal influence. Leaders encourage team members to develop independent thinking and find the best solutions.
  2. Bosses explain tasks; leaders inspire employees
    A boss might simply explain tasks and then leave them to the employees to complete. In contrast, leaders not only provide clear guidance but also ignite employees' passion for their work, helping them understand the importance and value of their job.
  3. Bosses enforce discipline; leaders provide guidance
    When facing employees' mistakes, bosses may tend to use a reward and punishment system to correct behaviours. In contrast, a leader would deal with these situations through encouragement and guidance, recognizing the importance of learning and growing from mistakes.
  4. Bosses assign tasks; leaders delegate power
    Bosses focus on assigning specific tasks, tending towards micromanagement, while leaders delegate power and responsibility, giving team members the opportunity to make decisions and develop autonomously. This approach helps to cultivate the abilities and confidence of team members.
  5. Bosses stand above the team; leaders are part of the team
    Bosses often position themselves above the team, while leaders see themselves as part of the team. Leaders establish egalitarian relationships with team members and strive to create a work environment of open communication and mutual respect.

Transitioning from a 'boss' to a 'leader' is not just a change of position, but a transformation in mindset and behaviour. A true leader can inspire the potential of their team and lead them towards a common goal. Becoming an excellent leader is not achieved overnight but through continuous learning and practice.

