【職場智慧】10年經驗的人力資源總監的建議:在職場中堅決不做的三件事 Advice from an HR Director with 10 Years of Experience: Three Things I Never Do in the Workplace

【職場智慧】10年經驗的人力資源總監的建議:在職場中堅決不做的三件事 Advice from an HR Director with 10 Years of Experience: Three Things I Never Do in the Workplace

在職場中如何表現自我並保持專業,一直是個讓人好奇的議題。一名擁有十年人力資源經驗的Stock X人力資源總監,Valerie Rodriguez提出了在職場中堅決不做的三件事:

  1. 不要在工作場所過度分享個人信息
  2. 不要過分謙虛
    成功的人往往會直接表達自己的成就,而過於謙虛的人可能會因為不願意張揚自己的成績而被忽視,從而錯失晉升的機會。Valerie 的經驗教訓是,如果你不為自己發聲,沒有人會替你發聲。
  3. 不要在公司聚會中逗留過久


How to present oneself and maintain professionalism in the workplace has always been a topic of curiosity. Valerie Rodriguez, an HR Director at Stock X with ten years of experience in human resources, shares three things she steadfastly avoids doing in the workplace:

  1. Don't Overshare Personal Information at Work
    While a certain level of intimacy can be established among colleagues, this doesn't mean you should indiscriminately share aspects of your personal life. Oversharing can lead to people making decisions that may not be in your favor, and you might even miss out on career development opportunities.
  2. Don't Be Too Humble
    People who are successful tend to directly express their achievements, whereas those who are overly humble may get overlooked due to their reluctance to highlight their accomplishments, thereby missing out on promotion opportunities. Valerie's lesson is that if you don't speak up for yourself, no one else will.
  3. Don't Stay Too Long at Company Parties
    Lingering too long at company gatherings often leads to negative rather than positive outcomes. Whether due to alcohol or other reasons, the risk of inappropriate behavior increases in informal settings, which can lead to office rumors the next day. It's advisable to make an appropriate appearance at the party but not to overstay.

Paying attention to how personal information is shared, maintaining appropriate confidence, and knowing how to participate in social events are crucial skills for survival and development in the workplace. These insights not only help us avoid pitfalls in our career but also offer valuable opportunities for self-improvement.

