【職場祕笈】五個摧毀職場信譽的詞彙 Five Phrases that Destroy Workplace Credibility

【職場祕笈】五個摧毀職場信譽的詞彙  Five Phrases that Destroy Workplace Credibility


  1. 「快完成了」
  2. 「總有一天」
  3. 「我正在嘗試」
  4. 「也許」
  5. 「我希望」


Maintaining a good reputation in the workplace is like running a project that requires long-term investment. Winning the trust of others may take years of unrelenting effort, but losing it may only take a few days or even a few inappropriate words. Every word you speak is shaping your image, especially in the hearts of your colleagues and superiors. Here are five seemingly harmless phrases that could potentially damage your credibility in the workplace:

  1. "Almost"
    Whenever we say this, it actually implies "I haven't finished yet". So, next time when you're about to tell your boss that you're "almost done" with a task, consider instead telling them what parts you have completed and provide a precise estimate of the remaining work time. This approach can demonstrate your professionalism and execution ability.
  2. "Someday"
    This expression reflects your lack of enthusiasm for work, as if you are waiting for a distant future and unable to take action now. Avoid using such uncertain and non-committal language, especially when you are unable to complete a task, have the courage to say "no" directly.
  3. "Try"
    Although this phrase seems to show your positivity and commitment, it actually implies "I'm not sure if I can succeed". As a result, it might make colleagues doubt your capabilities.
  4. "Might"
    This vague phrase only makes people think you are uncertain and prone to changing your decisions. To increase others' trust in you, you need to learn to use more firm language like "I will" or "I won't" to replace "maybe".
  5. "Wish"
    This phrase may make people think your actions are passive and lack a firm determination to achieve your goals. Instead of saying "I wish", say "I will" directly, making your words more persuasive and actionable.

To maintain credibility in the workplace, the key lies not only in your actions but also in your language. From today onwards, let us pay more attention to our choice of words, expressing our ideas with a more determined and responsible attitude, elevating your workplace credibility to a new height.

