【職場祕笈】8個技巧增加你的LinkedIn檔案吸引力 8 Tips to Boost Your LinkedIn Profile Attractiveness

【職場祕笈】8個技巧增加你的LinkedIn檔案吸引力 8 Tips to Boost Your LinkedIn Profile Attractiveness


  1. 精選頭像
  2. 個人化URL
  3. 定期更新檔案
  4. 積極參與LinkedIn社區
  5. 分享現職公司的內容
  6. 發表文章
  7. 簡潔明瞭
  8. 請求同事的推薦


On your LinkedIn profile, treat it as seriously as you would with your resume, using visual appeal to attract potential employers and future colleagues. Here are eight essential tips to make your LinkedIn profile more appealing:

  1. Carefully chosen profile picture
    A suitable photo is crucial for your professional image. It doesn't need to be taken by a professional photographer, but it should be high-quality and represent your professional demeanor. Maintain a friendly smile to make potential employers feel that you are approachable.
  2. Personalized URL
    When you initially create your LinkedIn profile, LinkedIn assigns a series of numbers to your URL. Change these numbers to your desired name or brand to make your profile look more professional and easier for people to find you.
  3. Regularly update your profile
    Consistently updating your profile is a good habit. Even small changes, like adding a new job responsibility or uploading a new photo, demonstrate your enthusiasm for your profession and remind potential employers that you are continually improving yourself.
  4. Active participation in the LinkedIn community
    LinkedIn is a great platform for networking with peers and developing professional interests. Regularly update your status and actively engage in forums and discussions related to your interests to expand your network and allow potential employers to get to know you better.
  5. Share content from your current company
    Even if you are considering changing jobs, sharing content from your current company is a good practice. It shows your active engagement in your work and lets future employers see your enthusiasm.
  6. Publish articles
    Write and publish an article each month about your industry or market trends to showcase your insights and in-depth knowledge. These articles can also spark discussions among your followers and help you build relationships on the platform.
  7. Be concise
    While it's essential to provide detailed descriptions of your work experience or personal profile on LinkedIn, overly lengthy descriptions can be overwhelming. Keep each section concise, ideally within two to three paragraphs, to ensure it's not excessively long.
  8. Request recommendations from colleagues
    Getting endorsements from other professionals is an essential tool on LinkedIn, as it showcases your skills and expertise being recognized by others.

By following these simple steps, your LinkedIn profile will become more attractive than ever before. This will open new doors of opportunities, help you build new relationships, and allow you to think about the future in a whole new way.

