【職場秘笈】如何巧妙地向高層提出不同意見 How to Tactfully Present Dissenting Opinions to Senior Management

【職場秘笈】如何巧妙地向高層提出不同意見 How to Tactfully Present Dissenting Opinions to Senior Management


  1. 進行風險評估
  2. 選擇時機和場合
  3. 建立共識
  4. 冷靜、具策略地溝通
  5. 尊重、堅定地表達


When facing opinions from higher-ups, we often hesitate, wondering if we should voice our perspectives. In fact, with the right approach, we can not only express disagreements but also earn the respect of others. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Assess the Risks
    People often fear confronting authority, worrying about the impact on their career progression. But think about it this way: not expressing your opinion might pose even greater risks. Ask yourself: If you remain silent, might you miss certain opportunities or lead to adverse outcomes?
  2. Choose the Right Time and Setting
    There's no need to rush your response. Give yourself time to research the facts; you might find more persuasive evidence. Seek colleagues who agree with you; their support might bolster your viewpoint. Choosing to discuss privately might help in gaining better understanding from superiors.
  3. Establish a Common Ground
    Before voicing disagreement, first acknowledge and reiterate the other party’s proposal to let them know you've understood fully. Then, identify goals or interests that both sides care about, such as the company's long-term development, and start the discussion around these points.
  4. Communicate Calmly and Strategically
    Communication is not just about language; it encompasses emotions and tone. Avoid using negative or emotional terms, and focus on facts and data. This style of communication is more likely to be accepted and less likely to provoke defensiveness.
  5. Express with Respect and Firmness
    After you've clearly and systematically presented your views, also make it clear that you respect the decision of your superiors. This isn't about compromising, but about holding your stance while giving others the respect they deserve.

In the workplace, presenting different opinions to senior management doesn't equate to rebellion. It's about hoping to bring more possibilities to the company from different perspectives. By mastering the right strategies, we can communicate our thoughts more effectively.

