【職場秘笈】調查:逾6成受訪者指「被動攻擊性的溝通方式」影響工作表現 Survey: Over 60% of respondents say passive-aggressive communication affects work performance

【職場秘笈】調查:逾6成受訪者指「被動攻擊性的溝通方式」影響工作表現 Survey: Over 60% of respondents say passive-aggressive communication affects work performance


根據教育平台Preply的調查,83%受訪美國人在工作中收到過帶具被動攻擊性的電郵,其中42%甚至來自上司。最常見的被動攻擊性語句是 "Per my last email"。這句話暗示的訊息好像是:「我已經寄了一封關於此事的郵件!你沒看到嗎?」以下是其他被認為最具挑釁的短語:

  • "Correct me if I’m wrong"
  • "As previously mentioned"
  • "Just a gentle reminder"
  • "Thanks in advance"



Have you ever received an email from a colleague that seemed somewhat provocative? Or left you wondering what they really meant to convey? Due to the lack of context and tone in written text, it's easy for readers to interpret it as being aggressive.

According to a survey by the education platform Preply, 83% of surveyed Americans have received emails with passive-aggressive undertones at work, with 42% even coming from their superiors. The most common passive-aggressive phrase is "Per my last email," which seems to imply, "I've already sent an email about this matter! Didn't you see it?" Here are some other phrases considered most provocative:

  • "Correct me if I’m wrong"
  • "As previously mentioned"
  • "Just a gentle reminder"
  • "Thanks in advance"

In recent years, the prevalence of passive-aggressive emails has been on the rise, with 50% of respondents indicating that they have received an increasing number of passive-aggressive emails The seriousness of this issue cannot be ignored. The survey found that nearly one-fourth of respondents resigned due to passive-aggressive behavior from colleagues, while 66% of respondents stated that this mode of communication increased their anxiety and negatively affected their work performance.

To avoid such situations, we need to be aware of our own communication styles. Take a moment to calm down, review, and amend your responses to avoid using passive-aggressive language in emails. Direct and honest communication is key to building workplace harmony. If possible, communicate with colleagues in person or over the phone to more effectively avoid misunderstandings.

