【職場進修】調查:數據分析與圖像化能力屬「必備」技能,Google香港推培訓計劃迎合市場需求 Survey suggests Over half of respondents consider data analysis and visualisation as "must-have" skills, Google Hong Kong launches “Google Career Certificates Program 2023”

【職場進修】調查:數據分析與圖像化能力屬「必備」技能,Google香港推培訓計劃迎合市場需求 Survey suggests Over half of respondents consider data analysis and visualisation as "must-have" skills, Google Hong Kong launches “Google Career Certificates Program 2023”

為滿足本地人力市場的需求,Google香港推出「Google Career Certificates智慧數碼人才計劃2023」,培育進階的數碼技能人才。新計劃加入兩項證書課程,包括進階數據分析證書及商業智能證書,課程旨在提供學員所需的專業技能,幫助他們在職場上取得成功。

Google香港銷售及營運總經理余名德引述Economist Impact最新一份亞太區僱員數碼技能報告指,1357名受訪在職人士中超過一半(52%)表示僱主在招聘時愈來愈重視網上證書。另外,報告提及有54%受訪者認為,數據分析與視像化技能是其中一項「必備」的進階數碼技能。因此,Google繼續加強這方面的課程,來提高學員的就業競爭力。




Google Hong Kong has announced the launch of the "Google Career Certificates Program 2023" to cultivate advanced digital skills talent to meet local market demand. The new program includes two certificate courses, Advanced Data Analytics Certificate and Business Intelligence Certificate. These courses aim to provide students with the necessary professional skills to help them succeed in the workplace.

Michael Yue, General Manager, Sales & Operations of Google Hong Kong, cited a survey report by Economist Impact in the Asia-Pacific region, stating that more than half (52%) of the 1,357 of workers in the survey believe that employers now value online certificates. Additionally, the report mentioned that 54% of respondents believe that data analysis and visualisation as “must-have” advanced digital capabilities. Therefore, Google continues to strengthen courses in this area to enhance students' employability.

The courses are offered in a hybrid mode, with modules and mentors teaching students various soft skills in addition to online learning. Yue stated that these certificate courses aim to provide students with the necessary professional skills, but more importantly, to teach them how to apply IT skills to their work to help them succeed in the workplace.

As part of this program, Google is partnering with TalentLabs to provide career guidance and support, and with CPJobs to launch a job search webpage specifically designed for students. The aim is to provide further training for students, teaching them various soft skills such as interpersonal relationship building. Moreover, the hope is that students will be able to find suitable jobs after completing their certificates.

He mentioned that in recent years, companies have had a great demand for information technology talent, and believes that the skills provided by the courses will help graduates apply for jobs. Future evaluations of students' needs will be conducted based on their feedback, and the course content will be further improved accordingly.

