【行業數據】研究:逾七成員工重視新技能學習,近三成會因缺乏學習機會選擇離職 Study suggests Over 70% of Employees Value Learning New Skills, Nearly 30% Choose to Leave Due to Lack of Learning Opportunities

【行業數據】研究:逾七成員工重視新技能學習,近三成會因缺乏學習機會選擇離職 Study suggests Over 70% of Employees Value Learning New Skills, Nearly 30% Choose to Leave Due to Lack of Learning Opportunities






Understanding the skills valued by employees is crucial for career success and corporate development. Traditional career advancement paths no longer meet the expectations of all employees. However, regardless of the interest in climbing the career ladder, learning new skills remains a widely focused area. According to the latest study by Randstad, over 70% of employees value learning new skills, and nearly 30% would choose to leave due to a lack of learning opportunities.

In various industries, especially in IT, construction, and financial services, employees significantly value learning and development opportunities. This reflects the growing recognition of the importance of continuous learning as technology advances.

The top five skills global employees are most eager to master include: artificial intelligence, IT and technical knowledge, health and mindfulness, communication and presentation skills, and management and leadership abilities. These skills not only reflect the current technical demands of the workplace but also the emphasis on personal development and innate qualities.

Views on important skills vary from country to country. For instance, in the United States, management and leadership abilities are considered most important, while in China, more attention is given to AI and data science skills. This difference highlights the diverse needs for career development in different cultural and economic environments.

The study shows that the responsibility for training and skill enhancement is not solely on the individual. 42% of respondents believe that employers play a key role in employee training. Therefore, companies need to pay more attention to the personal career aspirations of their employees and provide them with relevant training and development opportunities. In this era of constant change, both individuals and businesses need to continually adapt and learn to maintain competitiveness and innovative capacity.

