【安靜招聘】由「安靜離職」到「安靜招聘」:為企業與員工創造雙贏 From "Quiet Quitting" to "Quiet Hiring": Creating Win-Wins for Companies and Employees

【安靜招聘】由「安靜離職」到「安靜招聘」:為企業與員工創造雙贏 From "Quiet Quitting" to "Quiet Hiring": Creating Win-Wins for Companies and Employees




  1. 明確定義職務範疇與期望
  2. 及時溝通變動
  3. 強調機會
  4. 均等提供資源


In today's professional environment, "Quiet Hiring" is gradually becoming a significant new trend. Following the concept of "Quiet Quitting", many businesses are adopting this new hiring approach to enhance their efficiency.

"Quiet Hiring" emphasizes that when job vacancies arise, companies prioritize adjusting or promoting internal talent instead of directly recruiting from the job market. This strategy not only saves costs associated with hiring new employees but also maximizes the utilization of the company's existing workforce. Moreover, it offers employees a space for learning and growth. Such an approach benefits personal development and strengthens loyalty to the company.

From the employee's perspective, "Quiet Hiring" also provides them with opportunities to learn new skills and gain more experience. In the long run, this greatly benefits their career development. However, this strategy is not meant to increase the workload of employees but aims for more optimized human resource management. Companies must be careful when implementing this strategy to avoid dissatisfaction among employees or unintended results like "Quiet Quitting". Here are four main tactics for "Quiet Hiring":

  1. Clearly Define Job expectations and job specifications:
    Ensure external employees fully understand their job content, such as responsibilities, working hours, salary conditions, etc., and ensure they know what is expected of them.
  2. Communicate Changes Promptly:
    When organizations transition to "Quiet Hiring", timely and transparent communication to employees about these changes is crucial. This helps prevent misunderstandings, like feeling undervalued or fears of job loss. Employers should explain the reasons for "Quiet Hiring", emphasizing that it's not to replace full-time employees, but to supplement the workforce in a more flexible and cost-effective manner.
  3. Highlight Opportunities:
    Employers should emphasize the benefits of "Quiet Hiring", such as how it creates new job opportunities, allowing employees to engage in diverse projects. Encourage them to explore new skills and roles within the organization, promoting growth and development.
  4. Provide Resources Equally:
    Ensure all employees have access to the necessary information and tools to facilitate smooth workflow. Offering equal resources can enhance collaboration and create a more inclusive work environment.

In conclusion, "Quiet Hiring" not only helps companies enhance their efficiency but also brings new growth opportunities for employees. Nevertheless, the success of the strategy depends on how companies effectively implement and appropriately apply it.

