【行業數據】調查:香港打工仔需加薪6%才願意放棄混合工作模式,逾兩成寧願轉工 Survey suggests Hong Kong Workers Require a 6% Pay Raise to Give Up Hybrid Work Model, Over 20% Prefer to Change Jobs

【行業數據】調查:香港打工仔需加薪6%才願意放棄混合工作模式,逾兩成寧願轉工 Survey suggests Hong Kong Workers Require a 6% Pay Raise to Give Up Hybrid Work Model, Over 20% Prefer to Change Jobs

疫情的影響下,混合工作模式逐漸成為員工和企業的新選擇。根據彭博行業研究(Bloomberg Intelligence)的調查顯示,大多數香港打工仔對此模式十分青睞。調查發現,員工普遍認為只有至少6%的加薪,他們才會考慮放棄混合工作模式,重新全天候回到辦公室。


彭博行業研究分析師Patrick Wong指出,企業為了吸引人才,可能會採用混合工作安排。這意味著公司將減少寫字樓的租用面積,進而導致今年商廈租金下降至少6%。在遠程工作環境中,維持心理健康同樣十分重要。以下六大策略有助於你在遠程工作時減輕壓力:

  1. 重視心理健康:在繁忙的遠程工作中,定期休息至關重要。利用休息時間進行日常家務或簡短放鬆,有助於保持工作與生活的平衡。
  2. 保持開放心態,減少完美主義:避免隱瞞工作中的問題,或為了證明自己而接受超出能力範圍的工作量。在日常互動中建立良好的榜樣,提高同事間的相互支持。
  3. 建立有結構的日常工作流程:明確的日程安排有助於減輕遠程工作者的壓力。通過良好的計劃和組織,提高時間和精力的使用效率。
  4. 記錄工作進度:使用項目管理工具幫助團隊成員了解彼此的工作負擔和進展,增加透明度並提升團隊效率。
  5. 與同事保持聯繫:定期通過視像會議、群聊或電話與團隊成員交流。這不僅增強團隊凝聚力,還有助於及時幫助遇到困難的同事。
  6. 保持工作空間整潔:選擇一個專門的工作區域,並避免在此進食、娛樂或使用社交媒體。一個整潔的工作環境有助於提高專注力和工作效率。


Amid the impact of the pandemic, the hybrid work model has gradually become a new choice for employees and businesses. According to a survey by Bloomberg Intelligence, most Hong Kong workers are very fond of this model. The survey found that employees generally believe they would consider giving up the hybrid work model and returning to the office full time only if they receive at least a 6% pay raise.

The survey covered 350 employees. The results showed that over half of the respondents would choose to ask for a pay raise or look for a new job to maintain work flexibility when asked to return to the office full time. Specifically, 27% of respondents said that if they were required to work in the office five days a week, they would expect at least a 6% pay raise; another 24% would consider changing jobs for more work flexibility.

Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Patrick Wong pointed out that companies might adopt hybrid work arrangements to attract talent. This means companies will reduce the rental space of office buildings, leading to at least a 6% decrease in commercial rent this year. Maintaining mental health is also very important in a remote working environment. The following six strategies can help reduce stress when working remotely:

  1. Value Mental Health: Regular breaks are crucial during busy remote work. Using break time for household chores or brief relaxation helps maintain a balance between work and life.
  2. Keep an Open Mind, Reduce Perfectionism: Avoid hiding problems at work or taking on more than you can handle to prove yourself. Set a good example in daily interactions, enhancing mutual support among colleagues.
  3. Establish a Structured Daily Workflow: Clear schedules help reduce stress for remote workers. Improve the efficiency of time and energy use through good planning and organization.
  4. Record Work Progress: Use project management tools to help team members understand each other's workload and progress, increasing transparency and team efficiency.
  5. Stay Connected with Colleagues: Regularly communicate with team members through video conferences, group chats, or phone calls. This not only strengthens team cohesion but also helps colleagues in need timely.
  6. Keep the Workspace Tidy: Choose a dedicated work area and avoid eating, entertaining, or using social media there. A tidy work environment helps improve focus and work efficiency.

For businesses, this is an opportunity to reconsider employee benefits and office space strategies; for employees, it's a crucial moment to seek a better work-life balance. By implementing these strategies, we can not only work more effectively at home but also maintain mental health and enjoy the convenience of remote work.

