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Business Digest is a media under Apoidea Media Limited. Business Digest is a Hong Kong Commercial Information Platform. We search for exciting and interesting business story, and provide accurate and comprehensive economic data. Comparing to traditional financial media, we provide our business insight by vivid infographics. We also explore different ways of presentation, attempting to provide unprecedented reading experience to our readers.

Business Digest是Apoidea Media Limited旗下的一個媒體。Business Digest是個香港商業資訊平台,我們為大家搜羅刺激有趣的商業故事,以及準確全面的經濟數據。相較傳統財經媒體,我們透過信息圖形的方式,提供獨到的商業見解。並以各種新鮮的展現方式,為大家帶來前所未有的閱讀體驗。

Business Digest is a media under Apoidea Media Limited. Business Digest is a Hong Kong Commercial Information Platform. We search for exciting and interesting business story, and provide accurate and comprehensive economic data. Comparing to traditional financial media, we provide our business insight by vivid infographics. We also explore different ways of presentation, attempting to provide unprecedented reading experience to our readers.


Apoidea Media Limited Address: 602A, Innocentre, 72 Tat Chee Ave, Kowloon Tong
Apoidea Media Limited 地址: 九龍塘達之路72號創新中心6樓602A室