【平均月薪】全球平均收入調查:香港不入前20 新加坡亞洲第1 Global Average Monthly Salary Report: Hong Kong Not in Top 20, Singapore Leads in Asia

【平均月薪】全球平均收入調查:香港不入前20 新加坡亞洲第1 Global Average Monthly Salary Report: Hong Kong Not in Top 20, Singapore Leads in Asia

一直以來,香港在物價或生活成本都被視為偏高的地區,惟與鄰近地方相比平均薪酬亦相對豐厚。但最近商業雜誌CEOWORLD Magazine發布的《2024年平均工資最高及最低的國家》 (Countries With The Highest And Lowest Average Salaries, 2024)調查,香港每月平均薪酬卻排在全球20名之外,而且在亞洲區的排名也只是第5。

調查統計了全球196個國家及地區的平均每月薪酬總額,其中頭10位均為歐美國家,瑞士以約63,838港元排在首位,盧森堡及美國則分別以約52,202港元及約50,801港元,位列第2及3位。第4至10位按排名順序則是,冰島 (約50,691港元)、挪威(約44,584港元)、丹麥(約44,403港元)、加拿大 (約39,988港元)、格陵蘭(約36,714港元)、愛爾蘭(約36,375港元)及荷蘭 (約36,053港元)。





Hong Kong has long been considered a region with high living costs and prices, but it also offers relatively high average salaries compared to neighboring areas. However, the latest survey by business magazine CEOWORLD Magazine titled "Countries With The Highest And Lowest Average Salaries, 2024" reveals that Hong Kong's average monthly salary ranks outside the global top 20, and only 5th in Asia.

The survey compiled average monthly salary totals from 196 countries and regions worldwide, with the top 10 all being European and American countries. Switzerland ranks first with an average monthly salary of approximately HKD 63,838, followed by Luxembourg and the United States with about HKD 52,202 and HKD 50,801, respectively. The 4th to 10th positions are, in order: Iceland (about HKD 50,691), Norway (about HKD 44,584), Denmark (about HKD 44,403), Canada (about HKD 39,988), Greenland (about HKD 36,714), Ireland (about HKD 36,375), and the Netherlands (about HKD 36,053).

Singapore, the highest-ranking Asian country, is 11th globally with an average monthly salary of approximately HKD 34,235. Hong Kong ranks 23rd globally and 5th in Asia with an average monthly salary of about HKD 24,161. The UAE, Israel, and Qatar rank 18th, 20th, and 22nd globally with average monthly salaries of about HKD 28,828, HKD 28,395, and HKD 24,932, respectively, making them the 2nd to 4th in Asia.

Among other East Asian countries and regions, Japan ranks 29th with about HKD 19,486, South Korea is 32nd (about HKD 17,156), Macau ranks 35th (about HKD 16,637), Taiwan is 44th (about HKD 13,875), and China ranks 63rd (about HKD 8,830). North Korea ranks the lowest in East Asia with an average monthly salary of about HKD 291, placing it 192nd globally and at the bottom in Asia.

Most of the countries at the lower end of the ranking are in Africa, with Lesotho, an enclaved country surrounded by South Africa, ranking last (196th) with an average monthly salary of about HKD 189.

Note: The "Countries With The Highest And Lowest Average Salaries, 2024" is based on US dollars, and the above average salary figures are converted at an exchange rate of 1 USD to 7.87 HKD.

