【職場智慧】新主管接手老團隊:5個「不」讓你提升士氣 New Manager Takes Over an Established Team: 5 "Don'ts" to Boost Morale

【職場智慧】新主管接手老團隊:5個「不」讓你提升士氣 New Manager Takes Over an Established Team: 5 "Don'ts" to Boost Morale


  1. 不批評
  2. 不生氣
  3. 不要全面盤點
  4. 不要太謙虛
  5. 不要誇大其詞


When a new manager takes over an experienced team, besides mastering the existing business, establishing trust quickly and boosting morale becomes a major challenge. The following five "don'ts" might provide some guidance:

  1. Don't criticize:
    The past strategies and business models have their historical context and challenges. Even if they appear to need improvement now, it's important to be cautious with criticism to avoid offending and demoralising the old team. They are familiar with the company's operations and can quickly achieve results. Utilising their abilities and making them feel respected and acknowledged is crucial.
  2. Don't get angry:
    When leaders maintain composure during the communication process and provide feedback and suggestions in a timely manner, it not only enhances team communication but also encourages team members to voice their opinions. On the other hand, a leader's anger can make the team become conservative and may lower morale.
  3. Don't do a comprehensive inventory:
    When just taking over an established team, the priority should be to focus on small but potentially innovative projects to build trust and boost team morale. While a comprehensive inventory is important, it can consume resources and may not yield immediate results.
  4. Don't be too modest:
    Acknowledge and praise the team's accomplishments, even the small victories in the initial stages. This boosts morale and motivates the team to keep moving forward. Being overly modest as a leader might make team members feel unnoticed or not good enough, which can affect their morale.
  5. Don't exaggerate:
    Set realistic and achievable goals to avoid unnecessary pressure and friction. While ambition is an important trait for a leader, excessive commitments can create stress for the team and impact their workflow and efficiency.

When taking over an established team, always maintain and enhance team morale. Taking over an existing team may be challenging but also offers a rich learning experience.

