【職場智慧】晉升為領導者須轉變的三大關鍵思維 Three Key Leadership Mindset Shifts

【職場智慧】晉升為領導者須轉變的三大關鍵思維 Three Key Leadership Mindset Shifts


  1. 從「個人導向」轉為「團隊導向」
  2. 從「避免問題」轉為「解決問題」
  3. 從「固執執行」轉為「靈活適應」


According to research, 60% of first-time emerging leaders will face challenges within two years. The issue lies not in their basic skills such as budgeting or meeting management but in the need for a re-adjustment of their "leadership mindset." Below are three mindsets that leaders must possess:

1. Shifting from "Self-oriented" to "Team-oriented"
Outstanding employees often focus on individual performance, finding success through self-focus. However, as they become leaders, the emphasis must shift towards driving team victories. If new leaders persist in putting themselves at the center, it will lead to a lack of motivation and collaboration within the team, ultimately resulting in failure.

2. Shifting from "Avoiding Problems" to "Problem-solving"
Many exceptional employees tend to avoid situations where problems may arise to protect their image and reputation. However, as leaders, they must courageously face challenges, seek innovation, and maintain an open attitude instead of avoiding risks. Only by doing so can they discover new directions and propel the organization forward.

3. Shifting from "Rigid Execution" to "Adaptive Flexibility"
Employees who solely focus on their tasks often overlook the possibilities of adaptation and change, potentially missing out on opportunities for innovation and losing competitiveness. Leaders should remain flexible and embrace diverse perspectives to cope with the rapidly changing environment.

Successful leaders must embody these three mindsets. Companies should not solely provide training for management skills but also focus on nurturing these three critical mindsets to help "new officials" successfully transition into their roles. Guided by these mindsets, new leaders will be better equipped to innovate, adapt to change, and lead their teams toward success.

