【職場祕笈】15%原則:投入工作,不是為了忙碌 The 15% Principle: Engage in Work, Not Just Busywork

【職場祕笈】15%原則:投入工作,不是為了忙碌 The 15% Principle: Engage in Work, Not Just Busywork


Fast Company引述澳洲專家Donna McGeorge CSP指,每個人一天的精力有限,把握那些時刻來完成最需要集中的工作。為了在決策時保持清醒頭腦,安排在一天中精力最旺盛的時候來進行重要的決策和討論。這樣規劃時間,能讓你的工作與身體節律同步,效率自然提高。



Do you often feel busy all day with little to show for it? Maintaining 85% efficiency while leaving a 15% buffer for flexibility can keep us ahead in the long run. This is what we call the "15% Principle" — not always operating at full capacity but maintaining 85% efficiency instead. This isn't laziness; it's strategy. Such a buffer allows us to be more adaptable and creative in our work and life.

Donna McGeorge, CSP, contributed to an article for Fast Company mentioning that everyone has peak cognitive times during the day. Seize those moments to complete the tasks that require the most concentration. To stay sharp in decision-making, schedule important decisions and discussions for when you're most energetic. Such time management aligns your work with your body's rhythms, naturally boosting efficiency.

Don't let emails or instant messaging dictate your day. Set aside specific times to handle these communications, allowing you to focus on the most important tasks when you're at peak efficiency. When your brain goes into autopilot mode, handle more routine tasks.

Being busy doesn't mean being effective. True productivity comes from the value you create. Try leaving gaps in your schedule, and you may find that sometimes rest and zoning out are actually the best ways to recharge and stimulate creativity. Engage in work, not just to be busy, but to be highly effective.

