【商業智慧】「我們這個時代最不尋常的商業領袖」—— 亞馬遜創辦人貝佐斯 Amazon's Founder, Jeff Bezos: The most unusual business leader of our era

【商業智慧】「我們這個時代最不尋常的商業領袖」—— 亞馬遜創辦人貝佐斯 Amazon's Founder, Jeff Bezos: The most unusual business leader of our era

當今亞馬遜成為價值1.6兆美元的科技巨頭,貝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)功不可沒。亞馬遜現任CEO安迪·賈西(Andy Jassy)接受《財富》雜誌採訪時,稱讚貝佐斯為「我們這個時代最不尋常的商業領袖」。賈西表示自己有幸能夠從貝佐斯獨特的領導風格中學習,這種風格繼續影響著他和其他亞馬遜高管的運營方式。

首先是超凡的遠見。在貝佐斯領導亞馬遜期間,公司制定了16條「領導力準則」,其中之一就是「胸懷大志」(Think Big)。在亞馬遜的早期,他就已經擁有將公司從一家網上書店擴展到全方位電子商務平台的遠大目標。每當開發團隊和高管帶著「真正好的想法」來到貝佐斯面前時,他總是能推動他們的想法走得更遠。



最後一點是開放態度與好奇心 。貝佐斯以其對新領域、新話題和不同觀點的開放態度和好奇心著稱。他總是樂於學習新事物,積極尋求多元化的觀點。這種態度不僅促進了創新,也讓他能夠從失敗中學習,並將這些經驗轉化為成功的動力。賈西表示:「偉大的領袖會不斷聆聽來自公司內外的額外意見,並隨著了解的加深而調整他們的觀點和想法。」


Amazon's Founder Jeff Bezos played an indispensable role in making Amazon a $1.6 trillion technology giant. Amazon's current CEO, Andy Jassy, in an interview with Fortune Magazine, praised Bezos as "arguably the most unusual business leader of our era." Jassy expressed his fortune in learning from Bezos' unique leadership style, which continues to influence his and other Amazon executives' management approach.

The first trait is extraordinary vision. One of Amazon's 16 leadership principles, "Think Big," was established during Bezos' tenure. From the early days of Amazon, he had the grand vision of expanding the company from an online bookstore to a comprehensive e-commerce platform. Whenever development teams and executives came to Bezos with "really good ideas," he always managed to push these ideas further.

The second trait is exceptionally high standards. Jassy mentioned that Bezos always had incredibly high expectations for those around him but managed to inspire employees to meet these expectations and produce their best work. His demanding approach to employees, though sometimes seeming too harsh, is what drove Amazon's outstanding performance.

The third trait is a long-term strategy and patience. Jassy admires Bezos for balancing long-term planning and short-term actions. He remained unwavering in his long-term vision, even in the face of dissent, believing in the feasibility of these visions. This balance was evident not only in Amazon's early expansion beyond books but also in the gradual addition of new product categories, eventually becoming the "everything store." This ability is particularly important in the tech industry, where timeliness is as crucial as foresight in a rapidly changing market.

The final trait is openness and curiosity. Bezos is known for his openness and curiosity about new fields, topics, and different perspectives. He is always eager to learn new things and actively seeks diverse viewpoints. This attitude not only fosters innovation but also allows him to learn from failures and turn these experiences into motivation for success. Jassy states, "Great leaders continually listen to additional opinions from inside and outside the company, adjusting their views and ideas as they gain more understanding."

These four traits not only shaped Bezos' leadership style but also deeply influenced Amazon's corporate culture and development trajectory. In this rapidly changing business world, these traits remind us to have vision, strive for excellence, maintain patience, and keep an open and curious mind.

