【商業智慧】朱克伯格認為最具爭議的管理原則:甚少下放決策權,凡事親力親為 Mark Zuckerberg's most controversial management principle: Rarely delegating responsibilities, being hands-on in everything

【商業智慧】朱克伯格認為最具爭議的管理原則:甚少下放決策權,凡事親力親為 Mark Zuckerberg's most controversial management principle: Rarely delegating responsibilities, being hands-on in everything

朱克伯格,近日在《Morning Brew Daily》Podcast中透露他自認為其中一個最具爭議的管理原則,就是他甚少下放決策權。朱克伯格堅信,作為創辦人應親力親為,深入參與決策過程和業務營運。這不僅是他管理風格的核心,也是Meta持續創新的驅動力。





Mark Zuckerberg recently revealed on the "Morning Brew Daily" Podcast that one of his most controversial management principles is his rare delegation of responsibilities. Zuckerberg firmly believes that as a founder, one should be hands-on and deeply involved in the decision-making process and business operations. This approach is not only the core of his management style but also the driving force behind Meta's continuous innovation.

Zuckerberg thinks that a founder should make as many decisions as possible and get involved in as many things as possible. However, leaders should be aware of their limits and maintain trust in their team, allowing the standout members to take on important tasks that they cannot handle personally.

Zuckerberg's management policies at Meta have also received close attention from the outside world in recent years, with the company undergoing several rounds of massive layoffs this year, affecting over 20,000 employees. Zuckerberg attributed some of the early reasons for the layoffs to misjudgments in the timing of large investments, including investments in metaverse technology, and overhiring during the boom in technology and e-commerce during the pandemic. 

Zuckerberg declared 2023 as the "Year of Efficiency," aiming to streamline management levels, reduce redundancy, and thus enhance organizational efficiency. He opposes merely expanding the organization by increasing management levels, advocating instead for a leaner, more efficient operating model.

Zuckerberg's insistence on direct involvement and streamlined management not only demonstrates his interpretation of the entrepreneurial spirit but also provides a perspective worth considering for business leaders: how to maintain innovation and efficient operations while pursuing rapid development.

