【商業智慧】「股神」巴菲特:習慣的枷鎖一開始輕得幾乎感覺不到,等到覺得沉重時已難以打破 Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffett: The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken

【商業智慧】「股神」巴菲特:習慣的枷鎖一開始輕得幾乎感覺不到,等到覺得沉重時已難以打破 Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffett: The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken






Oracle of Omaha, Buffett once said, "The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken." This not only reminds us of the power of habits but also provides insights into becoming a better leader.

Buffett believes that people often unknowingly cultivate some self-destructive habits. These habits inadvertently influence our decisions and actions. When we are young, we might not deeply feel their impact, but as time goes on, these habits become deeply ingrained and difficult to change.

To break these chains, one must first recognize their bad habits and genuinely acknowledge them. Whether it's not being good at listening, excessively interfering with subordinates' work, or insufficient communication skills, these are all factors that affect leadership efficacy. Communication skills, in particular, are not just about expressing oneself but more importantly, connecting with others, something that Buffett emphasizes.

Buffett himself once struggled with a fear of public speaking but worked hard to add value to himself. Through learning and constant practice, he turned this weakness into a strength.

Everyone has their "chains of habit," but only by truly recognizing and daring to challenge them can one break through and become a better leader.

