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【商業智慧】Apple人才四大關鍵特質 Four Key Qualities of Apple Talent

【商業智慧】Apple人才四大關鍵特質 Four Key Qualities of Apple Talent

Apple行政總裁Tim Cook在義大利Federico II大學的畢業典禮上,談到了蘋果公司的招聘策略與企業文化。根據他的說法,蘋果成功的背後部分歸因於公司文化和招聘的人選。在他眼中,一位理想的蘋果員工需要具備四大特質:

  1. 合作精神:真正的合作不僅是分享想法,更是透過集體的智慧讓這些想法更加完善,成為創新產品的關鍵。
  2. 獨特創意:對於一家科技公司,創意是核心驅動力。但不僅是嶄新的概念,還需要對既有觀念進行創新和有實際的應用價值。
  3. 強烈好奇心:對於未知的探索,是推動每一次技術進步的原動力。Tim Cook鼓勵要不拘泥於現有的解決方法,更要敢於像孩子般提出問題。
  4. 深厚專業知識:這是確保問題可以有效解決的基礎。

Tim Cook相信,這四大特質共同締造了蘋果的產品,並形成了公司充滿野心且支持性的工作文化。不過蘋果在最近的工作文化排名中有所滑落。這也提醒了所有企業,要成功,除了招聘正確的人,更要確保持續的正向文化建設。

Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, spoke about Apple's recruitment strategy and corporate culture at the graduation ceremony of Italy's Federico II University. According to him, part of Apple's success is attributed to the company culture and the people they hire. In his eyes, an ideal Apple employee should possess four main qualities:

  1. Team work: True collaboration is not just about sharing ideas, but refining these ideas through collective wisdom, making them key to innovative products.
  2. Creativity: For a tech company, creativity is the core driving force. It's not just about new concepts, but also innovating on existing ideas and having real-world application value.
  3. Curiosity: Exploration of the unknown is what drives every technological advancement. Tim Cook encourages not to stick to existing solutions, but to dare to ask questions like a child.
  4. Professional Knowledge: This ensures effective problem-solving.

Tim Cook believes that these four qualities together shape Apple's products and have formed the company's ambitious and supportive work culture. However, Apple has recently slipped in work culture rankings. This serves as a reminder to all companies that to succeed, in addition to hiring the right people, it's crucial to ensure continuous positive culture building.

