【時間管理祕笈】製訂待辦清單的8大原則 8 Principles of a To-Do List

【時間管理祕笈】製訂待辦清單的8大原則 8 Principles of a To-Do List


  1. 分開當前與未來任務
  2. 為任務定義預期成果
  3. 將大任務拆開成小步驟
  4. 設定任務的截止日期
  5. 限制當前任務在七項以內
  6. 刪除不必要的任務
  7. 預計任務的所需時間
  8. 注意需要其他資源的任務


A to-do list is one of the essential tools for time management, but do you often find yourself unable to complete most of the items on it? According to data from iDoneThis, 41% of to-do items are left unfinished, and a LinkedIn survey shows that nearly 90% of professionals frequently fail to complete their to-do lists. Here are the 8 principles of a to-do list:

  1. Separate current and future tasks:
    Instead of writing all the to-do items on a single list, separate them based on their timeline. Create a daily to-do list focusing on tasks to be completed that day, and move others to a master list. This allows for more effective time management.
  2. Define expected outcomes for tasks:
    Set clear goals and reasons for each to-do task to avoid procrastination caused by unclear purpose and value. This provides more motivation to complete them.
  3. Break down big tasks into smaller steps:
    Large to-do items can feel overwhelming and lead to procrastination. Try breaking down complex and significant tasks into smaller, achievable sub-tasks. This makes them easier to execute and provides a sense of accomplishment.
  4. Set deadlines for tasks:
    Even though deadlines can be flexible, it's important to establish approximate timeframes. Reflect on why you chose a particular deadline, as this enhances discipline and planning.
  5. Limit current tasks to seven:
    Include tasks that require 15 minutes or more to complete on the to-do list, while shorter-term tasks can be organized in a separate batch list. This reduces stress and forces you to consider what truly matters.
  6. Eliminate unnecessary tasks:
    Delete tasks that are too vague or impractical. Wishful tasks should be handled as projects rather than to-do items. Also, evaluate the importance of tasks and confidently remove unnecessary ones.
  7. Estimate the required time for tasks:
    Assessing the time needed for each task helps you make better choices on your daily list and plan your actions effectively. If you only write down tasks without considering available time, many to-do items may end up as "uncompleted."
  8. Note tasks that require additional resources:
    Sometimes, important tasks require support from other resources. It's recommended to directly write down the details of the required resources next to the corresponding tasks for easy reference.

These practical tips will help you create a more efficient to-do list, increase work productivity, and reduce stress.

