【求職祕笈】提升面試表現的技巧,如何回答「你有什麼問題想問我?」 Skills to improve interview performance: How to answer "Do you have any questions for me?"

【求職祕笈】提升面試表現的技巧,如何回答「你有什麼問題想問我?」 Skills to improve interview performance: How to answer "Do you have any questions for me?"


面試官常常在面試結束前問道:「你有什麼問題想問我?」資深職涯教練Natalie Fisher建議,每個人在面試時都應該提問面試官:「如果新員工能達成一項令你驚艷的成就,那會是什麼?」這個問題展現了面試者的具策略性和前瞻性思維,也有效地展示他們願意超越基本要求的決心。




In the job search journey, preparing for interviews has always been a challenge. Job seekers often overlook the importance of asking questions during interview preparation, and they become overly concerned about their own answers, resulting in a failure to ask compelling questions.

Interviewers often ask, "Do you have any questions for me?" towards the end of the interview. Natalie Fisher, a seasoned career coach suggests a question that everyone should ask during an interview: "What would be an achievement that would impress you if a new employee could accomplish it?" This question demonstrates the interviewee's strategic and forward-thinking mindset, effectively showcasing their determination to go beyond basic requirements.

Asking this question also demonstrates the interviewee's confidence. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to create a discussion space where the interviewee and the interviewer can together envision the potential achievements if the interviewee were to be hired. The interviewer may share their current goals and how an ideal candidate can achieve or surpass those goals. The interviewee, in turn, can share their past experiences in achieving similar goals or express a keen interest in how to achieve those objectives.

Lastly, the interviewee can gain valuable insights from the interviewer's response. If the interviewer reacts negatively to this question, it may indicate a lack of appreciation for innovative thinking, suggesting limited growth opportunities in the work environment. If they set goals that are too difficult to achieve, it may imply excessive demands on employees or a poor work-life balance within the company.

Therefore, it is important to remember that interviews are not just about employers evaluating whether the candidate is suitable for the position, but also about the candidate considering if they would be happy in the company.

