【求職秘笈】5大跡象顯示你的CV或許過於乏味 5 Major Signs That Your CV Might Be Too Boring

【求職秘笈】5大跡象顯示你的CV或許過於乏味 5 Major Signs That Your CV Might Be Too Boring


  1. 缺乏數據:不僅要列出職責,更應詳細說明。例如,當提及管理團隊時,可以加入管理的人數或成果數據。
  2. 過於冗長:CV應簡潔,過多不相關的工作經歷會使其顯得繁重,使招聘經理失去興趣。應著重於最相關的工作經驗和職責。
  3. 與求職信重複:求職信與CV雖有其相似之處,但兩者應該互補而非重複。
  4. 使用被動語氣:使用主動式和動詞能讓CV更具吸引力。例如,「領導團隊」或「推動參與度」而不是「被分配為團隊領導」。
  5. 未徵求他人意見:當你過於熟悉自己的經歷,你可能會忽略某些亮點。建議由第三方審查,這有助於找出遺漏或需要修改的部分,並確保無語法和拼寫錯誤並提出建議。


In the industry, many believe that a CV should be straightforward. However, an excessively traditional template might render your CV rather ordinary. Below are five key indicators suggest your CV could be lacking that extra spark:

  1. Lack of Data: It's not just about listing responsibilities; it's about providing detailed explanations. For instance, when mentioning team management, consider including figures about the number of people managed or specific outcome metrics.
  2. Excessive Length: A CV should be concise, and including too many irrelevant work experiences can make it cumbersome, causing hiring managers to lose interest. Focus on the most relevant work experiences and responsibilities.
  3. Overlap with Cover Letter: While there might be similarities between a cover letter and a CV, the two should complement each other, not repeat the same information.
  4. Using Passive Voice: Employing active voice and strong verbs can make your CV more engaging. For example, "Led a team" or "Drove engagement" instead of "Was assigned as team leader."
  5. Lack of External Input: When you're too familiar with your own experiences, you might overlook certain highlights. Seeking a review from a third party is advised, as it can help identify omissions or areas that need improvement, ensuring there are no grammar or spelling errors and providing suggestions.

Investing time and effort into crafting a tailored CV will enhance your chances of securing interviews. A well-crafted CV not only showcases your sincerity and professionalism but also reflects your genuine interest in the role.

