【職場智慧】如何在求職市場上展現你的AI技能 How to demonstrate your AI skills in the job market

【職場智慧】如何在求職市場上展現你的AI技能 How to demonstrate your AI skills in the job market


  1. 與時並進
  2. 實戰應用
  3. 成功例子


In various industries today, professionals with expertise in emerging artificial intelligence (AI) skills are increasingly favoured by companies. However, this field is still rapidly evolving, making it a significant challenge to stand out with your AI expertise in the job market. To differentiate yourself among numerous job seekers, consider the following three aspects for self-improvement:

  1. Stay Updated
    AI technology is evolving rapidly, with new tools and applications emerging constantly. To establish yourself in this field, continuous learning and updating your knowledge base are essential. Seek resources online and stay updated on the latest technological advancements; this is crucial for your AI career development.
  2. Practical Application
    While theoretical knowledge is important, hands-on experience is even more critical. Utilize AI tools in your work to gain a deeper understanding of their strengths and limitations, and learn how to leverage these tools effectively.
  3. Showcase Success
    If you have successfully applied AI technology in a product or project, emphasize it in your CV. Demonstrate to potential employers how you have created business value for organizations through the use of AI technology; this will be the key to standing out among other applicants.

Many high-paying positions have a strong demand for AI skills, such as software engineers, product designers, deep learning architects, and data scientists, among others. Therefore, regardless of how the market environment changes, mastering AI skills will be crucial for securing a stable career outlook.

