【職場祕笈】把握上班第一個小時 成為職場勝利組 Mastering the first hour of work and becoming part of the workplace success group

【職場祕笈】把握上班第一個小時 成為職場勝利組 Mastering the first hour of work and becoming part of the workplace success group

要成為職場勝利組,就要懂得運用每個早上,善用時間以發揮最大的生產力,並且能夠在上班的第一小時拋開讓人分心的事情,專注於重要的事。職場專家Lynn Taylor表示:「職場上的成功人士辦事不僅有獨特的優先順序,而且在開始一天的工作時就能保持專注。多年的經驗讓他們能意識到,哪些事情可以等待,哪些不能。」以下是職場勝利組在上班的第一個小時會做的10件事情:

1. 先看大藍圖

2. 制定計劃及策略

3. 檢查並更新待辦事項和行事曆

4. 先處理棘手的工作

5. 先不解決人際衝突

6. 寫下須深思熟慮的想法

7. 與團隊打招呼

8. 快速閱覽電子郵件

9. 不要一早就開會

10. 放鬆

Lynn Taylor指:「成功是一種心態設定。」用最好的方式迎接新一天,好好利用進入辦公室後的第一個小時,你就可以掌握最佳節奏,好好迎戰工作上的挑戰。

The workplace success group understands the importance of controlling the morning and making good use of time. They are able to eliminate distractions in the first hour of work and focus on important matters. Lynn Taylor, a nationally recognized workplace expert and author, says, "These people not only have a unique set of priorities, but they can also maintain focus when starting their day. Years of experience have made them aware of what can wait and what cannot." Here are 10 things that successful professionals in the workplace do in the first hour of work:

1. Start with the big picture

Take time to look at the overall picture and identify the main goals. This will help prioritize tasks instead of rushing into them.

2. Establish plans and strategies

Take a few minutes to think about the direction your work should take. Pursuing strategic clarity is a worthwhile goal.

3. Check and Update to-do lists and calendars

While you don't want to be overwhelmed by tasks first thing in the morning, quickly glance through your to-do lists and calendar to understand what needs to be addressed and the schedule for the day. This will help you avoid missing any meetings or deadlines. The morning is the best time to update your to-do lists. Without a plan, it's difficult to make the most of your time wisely.

4. Tackle challenging tasks

Handle the difficult tasks that require long-term planning first thing in the morning. This way, you won't be bothered by lingering tasks throughout the day.

5. Postpone resolving interpersonal conflicts

If there's a need to resolve conflicts with colleagues or superiors, it's best not to do it in the first hour of work. After all, everyone is under high pressure at the start of the day. It's better to wait until everyone has relaxed a bit for more effective discussions.

6. Write down well-thought-out ideas

The morning is when your willpower is at its strongest. Take advantage of this time to write important documents, emails, or other content that requires thoughtful consideration.

7. Greet the team

Successful managers and employees greet their team members when they arrive at the office, showing care and building rapport. This has unexpected benefits for the team's attitude and efficiency.

8. Quickly scan emails

Avoid getting caught in an email whirlpool, but quickly scan your emails to understand any important information for the day.

9. Avoid early meetings

Unless a meeting requires full attention, it's not recommended to schedule a meeting in the first hour after starting work. Meetings can be arranged for the afternoon when energy levels are lower.

10. Relax

Take a few minutes to relax and prepare for the challenges of the day. This helps you better cope with your work.

Lynn Taylor points out that "success is a mindset." By embracing each new day in the best possible way and making good use of the first hour in the office, you can master the optimal rhythm and effectively tackle work challenges.

