【職場秘笈】轉工關鍵:面試中絕不說的七句話 Key to Switching Jobs: Seven Phrases to Never Say in an Interview

【職場秘笈】轉工關鍵:面試中絕不說的七句話 Key to Switching Jobs: Seven Phrases to Never Say in an Interview


加拿大招募公司JupiterHR的創辦人兼知名職涯教練Jermaine Murray,提醒求職者避免使用某些可能自毀前程的句子。以下是七句在面試時應該避免的説話,以及建議的替代表達方式。

  1. 「我可以做任何事」
  2. 「貴公司是做甚麼的?」
  3. 「我沒有任何缺點」
  4. 「我討厭我的前上司」
  5. 「我不知道」
  6. 「你可以看我的履歷」
  7. 「薪水怎麼算?」


The key to a successful interview is to avoid the pitfalls that can cost you points. When we step into an interview, every word we utter is like walking a tightrope, where a slight misstep can lead us into an unfavorable abyss. Let's unveil those common but risky interview statements and explore how to transform them into positive expressions.

Jermaine Murray, founder and renowned career coach of Canadian recruitment company JupiterHR, warns job seekers against using certain self-destructive sentences. Here are seven phrases to avoid during an interview, along with recommended alternatives.

  1. "I can do anything."
    This phrase makes you appear to lack clear professional goals and professionalism. During an interview, you should show your passion and expertise for a specific area while expressing openness and enthusiasm for other tasks in the company. This can demonstrate your adaptability and willingness to contribute to the team.
  2. "What does your company do?"
    This indicates you haven’t done enough research beforehand. Understand the company's business and objectives before the interview and express your interest and knowledge of the company’s current projects.
  3. "I don’t have any weaknesses."
    This kind of response not only shows a lack of self-awareness but may also suggest you are unwilling to reflect. Instead, be honest about your weaknesses and how you’ve worked to overcome or improve them.
  4. "I hated my last boss."
    This could make people question your professional conduct, showing an inability to maintain good workplace relationships or handle conflict. Instead, you should explain how differing views with your previous supervisor led you to learn and improve your communication and teamwork skills.
  5. "I don’t know."
    This phrase may reveal a lack of problem-solving ability. Expressing a willingness to learn and explore unknown fields shows a more helpful attitude.
  6. "You can just check my resume."
    This may convey to the interviewer that your explanation of your experience is insufficient. The interview is an opportunity to show your depth and understanding of your past experiences, so discussing your experiences and achievements in detail is essential.
  7. "When do I start getting paid?"
    This might make the interviewer think you are only concerned about money. It’s more appropriate to discuss salary conditions after gaining a deeper understanding of the position and work content.

An interview is an opportunity to showcase your skills and experience, knowing what to say and what not to say, and expressing yourself in a more constructive manner, not only demonstrates your professionalism and potential but also paves the way for further success in your job search.

