【商業熱話】星期二是工作周中效率最高的一天 Tuesday is the most efficient day of the workweek

【商業熱話】星期二是工作周中效率最高的一天 Tuesday is the most efficient day of the workweek

我們總是說 ”feel like Monday“,來描述一週開始的那種慵懶的感覺。你有沒有思考過,一週七天中哪一天的效率最高?根據人力資源公司Accountemps的調查,星期一和星期二是員工生產力最高的兩天!39%受訪人力資源經理認為星期二效率最高,而24%則選擇週一。


  • 開會:員工已經進入工作節奏,使得星期二成為討論和決策的最佳時機。
  • 招聘:據說週二發布的工作職位吸引的應徵者比其他日子都多。
  • 社交媒體活躍度:企業若想增加與受眾的互動,週二發的帖文相對比較受歡迎。


  • 設定一個實際可行的每日待辦清單,不要過於雄心勃勃,導致進度受挫;
  • 單一專注而不是多工處理,確保質量而不僅僅是數量;
  • 判斷自己的高效時段,把最重要的事務安排在那個時候;
  • 減少干擾。關閉不必要的通知,確保工作時的集中力;
  • 利用專門的生產力應用程序幫助你管理時間和任務。

We always say "feel like Monday" to describe the feeling of laziness and initiation at the start of a week. Have you ever thought about which day of the week is the most efficient? According to a survey by Accountemps, Monday and Tuesday are the two days with the highest employee productivity! 39% of the interviewed HR managers believe that Tuesday is the most efficient, while 24% chose Monday.

The survey indicates that people often spend Mondays preparing and planning. By Tuesday, most have fully immersed themselves in their work. This is why many HR experts and leaders believe that Tuesday marks the peak of team productivity. Not only does Tuesday shine in terms of productivity, but it's also an ideal day for handling other affairs, including:

  • Meetings: Employees have already settled into their work rhythm, making Tuesday the best time for discussions and decisions.
  • Recruiting: It's said that job positions posted on Tuesday attract more applicants than those posted on other days.
  • Social Media Activity: If companies want to increase interaction with their audience, posts made on Tuesday are relatively more popular.

Do you want every day of the week to be as efficient as Tuesday? Here are some tips to share:

  • Set a realistic daily to-do list, don't be overly ambitious, which can lead to setbacks.
  • Focus on one task at a time instead of multitasking to ensure quality over quantity.
  • Determine your most efficient periods and schedule your most important tasks during those times.
  • Minimize distractions. Turn off unnecessary notifications to ensure concentration during work.
  • Use specialized productivity apps to help you manage time and tasks.

