【工作新常態】研究:三分之一人願意為四天工作週而跳槽 Research: One-Third of People Willing to Switch Jobs for a Four-Day Workweek

【工作新常態】研究:三分之一人願意為四天工作週而跳槽 Research: One-Third of People Willing to Switch Jobs for a Four-Day Workweek

在商業世界中,創新和適應能力是成功的關鍵。面對2020年疫情帶來的經濟壓力,加拿大軟件公司Procurify共同創始人兼CEO Aman Mann提出了一個大膽策略:將工作週縮短為四天,同時減少員工薪水20%。此舉旨在避免裁員,減輕員工壓力,並協助公司度過困難時期。


  1. 提升工作效率:英國一項大規模研究顯示,參與的73家公司和3300名員工中,近半數表示生產力有所提高,86%的人表示可能會持續實施四天工作週。日本微軟更指出提升逾40%生產力。
  2. 改善員工福祉:在全球範圍的試驗中,超過90%的員工希望繼續此工作模式,他們的壓力、倦怠感、疲勞和工作與家庭衝突均有所減少,整體體驗得分高達9.1分(滿分10分)。
  3. 家庭與環境雙重受益:研究發現,四天工作週讓父親們照顧孩子的時間增加了27%。此外,通勤時間每周平均減少了近27%,有助於降低碳足跡。通勤時間的縮短及遠程工作的增加對減少汽車出行和提高環境意識帶來了正面效果。


In the business world, innovation and adaptability are key to success. Faced with the economic pressures of the 2020 pandemic, Aman Mann, co-founder and CEO of Canadian software company Procurify, proposed a bold strategy: shortening the workweek to four days while reducing employee salaries by 20%. This move aimed to avoid layoffs, reduce employee stress, and help the company navigate through tough times.

Experiments on a global scale show that over 80% of workers and job seekers support the four-day workweek, with one-third even willing to quit their current jobs for it. Shortening the workweek significantly improved productivity, work-life balance, reduced stress, and boosted employee morale. Here are three major benefits of the four-day workweek:

  1. Increased Work Efficiency: A large-scale study in the UK involving 73 companies and 3,300 employees showed that nearly half reported increased productivity, with 86% indicating they would likely continue the four-day workweek. Microsoft Japan reported a productivity increase of over 40%.
  2. Improved Employee Well-being: In global experiments, over 90% of employees wished to continue this work model, reporting reduced stress, burnout, fatigue, and work-family conflicts, with an overall experience score of 9.1 out of 10.
  3. Dual Benefits for Family and Environment: Research found that the four-day workweek increased fathers' time spent caring for their children by 27%. Additionally, the average weekly commuting time was reduced by nearly 27%, helping lower carbon footprints. The reduction in commuting time and the increase in remote work positively impacted the reduction of car travel and heightened environmental awareness.

The four-day workweek not only enhanced work efficiency and employee satisfaction but also had a positive impact on families and the environment. Mann believes that with the advancement of technologies like artificial intelligence, the future workweek will be more flexible, focusing more on team objectives rather than fixed working hours. This innovative work model not only addresses economic challenges but also promotes employee well-being and overall company performance, providing a valuable example for other businesses.

