【職場新常態】92%受訪年輕職場人士願為了四天工作周而犧牲 92% of young working professionals surveyed are willing to make sacrifices for a four-day workweek
金融信息服務公司Bankrate近日一項調查顯示,92%受訪年輕職場人士願意為四天工作周而作出犧牲。調查指出,三分之一的Z世代和千禧世代稱,他們願意完全放棄遠程工作,以換取每週多一天的休息時間。該機構分析師Sarah Foster指出,如果公司想要吸引年輕員工回辦公室,或許應該考慮四天工作周。
A recent Bankrate survey shows that 92% of young working professionals surveyed are willing to make certain sacrifices for a four-day workweek. The survey indicates that one-third of Generation Z and Millennials say they are willing to completely give up remote work in exchange for an extra day off each week. Bankrate analyst Sarah Foster notes that if companies want to attract young employees back to the office, they might consider a four-day workweek.
In addition, young employees also expressed their willingness to extend working hours (48%), switch jobs or companies (35%), work on weekends or evenings (27%), and even take a pay cut (13%) for a four-day workweek.
Older generations of workers also have similar intentions. The survey shows that over 86% of Generation X and Baby Boomers surveyed are willing to make some sacrifices for a shortened workweek. Compared to the younger generation, a higher proportion of older workers are willing to work longer hours in exchange for a four-day workweek, reaching 61%.
Will a four-day workweek really become the new norm in the future? If more and more companies start offering a four-day workweek, this will gradually create pressure for more businesses to follow suit. After all, in this strong job market, employees have unprecedented bargaining power.