【領導力UP】你不想成為的五種領導者 Five Types of Leaders You Don't Want to Become

【領導力UP】你不想成為的五種領導者 Five Types of Leaders You Don't Want to Become

領導者的品性與表現直接影響團隊的績效與士氣。可是並非每一位領導者都能如期待般達成目標或使團隊向前邁進。根據哈佛商學院資深研究員Bill George的觀察,以下這五種類型的領導者不但常導致團隊無法達成目標,他們自身也往往會走向失敗。

  1. 冒名頂替者
  2. 自我合理化者
  3. 追求光環者
  4. 孤獨者
  5. 流星


The character and performance of a leader directly influence the team's performance and morale. However, not every leader can meet expectations and propel the team forward. According to Bill George, a senior researcher at Harvard Business School, the following five types of leaders not only often prevent teams from achieving their goals but also tend to lead themselves to failure.

  1. Imposters
    They rise to leadership positions through personal charm or innovative ideas. However, when they reach the top, they lack the knowledge of how to lead effectively. They often lack self-awareness and fail to understand how their behaviour impacts others.
  2. Rationalizers
    They are unwilling to admit their failures or mistakes and constantly rationalise their wrongdoings. They even blame others for their mistakes. This behaviour prevents self-growth and learning opportunities.
  3. Glory Seekers
    They excessively focus on personal achievements, including income, fame, and power. Their goal is not to build a valuable organisation but to pursue personal glory and wealth.
  4. Loners
    They avoid establishing trusting relationships and support networks. They believe their decisions are always the best and reject others' advice and feedback. This attitude leads their teams towards failure.
  5. Shooting Stars
    They only concentrate on the next goal, job, or title, rather than investing time in their current work or learning from mistakes.

Ultimately, regardless of the type, when leaders deviate from their "True North" (their beliefs, values, and leadership goals), they are destined to fail. When leaders lose their moral compass, they cease to be authentic leaders and lose the followership of their employees. Therefore, maintaining authenticity and continuously learning and growing through reflection will be the key to success for every leader.

