【商業智慧】LVMH行政總裁登富豪榜首 著眼品牌的長遠發展才是重點 LVMH CEO, Tops Billionaires List and Prioritises Long-Term Brand Development is the Key
商業智慧《福布斯》2023年全球富豪榜出爐,LVMH行政總裁阿爾諾(Bernard Arnault)及其家族以2,110億美元高踞富豪榜首。與特斯拉執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)的1,640億美元再拉開差距,穩坐全球首富寶座。
阿爾諾建立了世界上最大奢侈品集團,旗下奢華品牌多達75個,包括Louis Vuitton, Dior, Celine, Loewe, Bulgari, and Fendi等,成為全球時尚界的最大龍頭。除了精品、香水、化妝品,阿爾諾更將集團版圖逐步擴張至媒體業,透過不斷收購來擴大美國奢侈品市場。
對他而言,成功取決於在過去和未來之間取得平衡。一個產品需要有根源、認受性和歷史,同時也必須包含最大程度的現代性。在2017年,LV與藝術家Jeff Koons合作,將Jeff Koons的現代藝術融入於LV過往暢銷的產品中,共同創造出一系列新穎、富藝術感的手提包,並因而取得巨大成功。
The 2023 Forbes Global Billionaires List has been released, and LVMH Chairman Bernard Arnault and his family have taken the top spot with a staggering net worth of $211 billion. This puts him well ahead of Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who trails behind with a net worth of $164 billion, solidifying Arnault's position as the world's wealthiest individual.
Arnault is responsible for establishing the world's largest luxury goods conglomerate, which boasts ownership of 75 luxury brands, including such iconic names as Louis Vuitton, Dior, Celine, Loewe, Bulgari, and Fendi. This gives the group a dominant position in the global fashion industry, making it the largest player in this space. In addition to luxury goods, perfumes, and cosmetics, he has also expanded into the media industry, gradually expanding the group's territory through acquisitions in the hopes of gradually expanding the US luxury goods market.
As the Chairman and CEO of LVMH, Bernard Arnault knows a thing or two about business success. But for him, money is just a consequence of doing good work. In fact, he tells his team not to worry too much about profitability, because if they do their job well, it will come.
Instead, he focuses on the long-term success of the brands under his leadership. For example, when discussing Louis Vuitton, the number one luxury brand in the world, he's not concerned about how much they'll make next year. Rather, he's interested in how they can make it as admired and successful in ten years as it is today.
For Arnault, success is a balance between the past and the future. A product needs to have roots, legitimacy, and history, but also incorporate the utmost modernity. A concrete example of this is Louis Vuitton's collaboration with Jeff Koons on the Masters Series in 2007. By revisiting long-time products with Koons' vision, they created new, artful handbags that have been a great success.
Arnault's philosophy is a reminder that business should be about more than just making money. Pursuing happiness and doing good work can lead to success in the long run. So don't just focus on the profitability of the next six months, but think about how you can create something that will stand the test of time.