【商業智慧】Nike前行政總裁Mark Parker:當既有的商業模式太過成功,而抑制更有挑戰性的主意,公司將潰敗瓦解 Former CEO of Nike, Mark Parker: Companies fall apart when their model is so successful that it stifles thinking that challenges it
商業智慧Nike公司不僅是運動鞋和服裝的全球領先品牌,還是創新的先驅。2013年,Nike被《Fast Company》評為年度最創新公司第一名,而這一切都歸功於一個不畏挑戰的精神。
Nike推出了兩項革命性產品,包括FuelBand手環和Flyknit Racer運動鞋。FuelBand手環通過測量運動並將其社交化和遊戲化,改變了人們的健康理念。Flyknit Racer則重新定義了運動鞋的製造方式,以羽毛般的重量和舒適度成為行業標杆。
創新不僅是產品層面的,更重要的是Nike背後的企業文化和戰略思考。Nike前行政總裁Mark Parker深知,成功的商業模式如果變得過於固化,就會阻礙創新思維。他曾言道:「當既有的商業模式太過成功,而抑制更有挑戰性的主意,公司將潰敗瓦解。」
Nike is not only a global leader in sportswear and footwear but also a pioneer of innovation. In 2013, Nike was ranked as the most innovative company of the year by "Fast Company," all thanks to an unyielding spirit in the face of challenges.
Nike introduced two groundbreaking products, including the FuelBand wristband and the Flyknit Racer sports shoe. The FuelBand wristband transformed people's perception of health by measuring and gamifying physical activity. The Flyknit Racer redefined the manufacturing of sports shoes, setting industry standards with its feather-like weight and comfort.
Innovation goes beyond the product level; it's ingrained in Nike's corporate culture and strategic thinking. Former CEO of Nike, Mark Parker, understood that a successful business model, if too rigid, could hinder innovative thinking. He once stated, "Companies fall apart when their model is so successful that it stifles thinking that challenges it.”
The success story of Nike doesn't stop here. Since Parker took over as CEO in 2006, Nike's annual revenue has grown by 60%, profits by 57%, and market value has more than doubled. This success isn't coincidental; it stems from the company's core principles: daring to venture, adapting timely, and proactively embracing change.
Nike knows when to invest, even daring to take risks without guaranteed returns. This spirit and strategy have enabled Nike to maintain its leading position among global brands.