【商業智慧】想給年輕的自己什麼的建議?馬斯克:百忙之中也要抽空看看生活中美好事物 What advice would you like to give to your younger self? Musk: Stop And Smell The Roses
商業智慧Tesla CEO 馬斯克去年出席 Tesla AI 日活動,在活動中,有觀眾向他發問,「假如能夠回到過去,你會想給年輕的自己留下怎樣的建議?」這個問題一度令馬斯克陷入沈思,片刻他回答,百忙之中也要抽空看看生活中美好事物。
同時,馬斯克還表示,不要把自己弄得「太緊繃(too intense)」,會對20多歲的自己說,停下來聞聞玫瑰花香(Stop And Smell The Roses),可能是個好主意。馬斯克回憶多年前在開發 SpaceX 火箭時,曾經去了一個美麗的海島,可惜那時的自己並沒有好好享受如此美好的環境,「我應該在海灘上喝一杯的,那會是個很好的主意。
綜合媒體報導,馬斯克在外界的印象中一直是一個工作狂,從24歲創立第一間公司「Zip2」時,就已經習慣每天工作,甚至睡在辦公室,他曾向《紐約時報》表示自己「每周工作120個小時」。富豪投資人、Tesla主要股東Ron Baron 曾在《CNBC》的訪問中表示,Elon Musk每日工作長達19小時、只睡5小時。
Last year, Tesla CEO Elon Musk attended the Tesla AI Day event. During the event, an audience member asked him, 'If you could go back in time, what advice would you want to give to your younger self?' This question made Musk reflect deeply for a moment before he replied that even amidst a busy schedule, one should take the time to appreciate the beautiful things in life.
According to a Bloomberg report, the audience's question rendered the usually eloquent Musk momentarily speechless. He stood there in silence, pondering, and then responded that he would advise his younger self to surround himself with intelligent people, read more, and emphasized that this was what he did at that time.
Musk also mentioned not to make oneself 'too intense' and said it might be a good idea for his 20-something self to 'Stop And Smell The Roses.' Musk recalled that many years ago, while developing SpaceX rockets, he visited a beautiful island. Unfortunately, he did not fully enjoy such a wonderful environment at the time. 'I should have had a drink on the beach, that would have been a good idea.'
According to media reports, Musk has always been perceived as a workaholic. Since founding his first company 'Zip2' at 24, he was accustomed to working every day, even sleeping in the office. He once told The New York Times that he 'works 120 hours a week.' Billionaire investor and major Tesla shareholder Ron Baron mentioned in a CNBC interview that Elon Musk works up to 19 hours a day, sleeping only 5 hours.
文字/製圖:Business Digest