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【商業智慧】戈登·摩爾:領導者要做的其中一件事,就是消除錯誤帶來的恥辱感 "One thing a leader does is to remove the stigma of mistakes," said Gordon Moore

【商業智慧】戈登·摩爾:領導者要做的其中一件事,就是消除錯誤帶來的恥辱感 "One thing a leader does is to remove the stigma of mistakes," said Gordon Moore

英特爾(Intel)創辦人之一戈登·摩爾(Gordon Moore)留下了豐功偉績,教曉我們從挫折或錯誤中學習的重要性。他有一句名言:「領導者要做的其中一件事,就是消除錯誤帶來的恥辱感」,至今仍然激勵世界各地的企業家和領導者。

在 1968 年經濟動盪的時期,摩爾與羅伯特·諾伊斯(Robert Noyce)和安迪·格羅夫(Andy Grove)共同創立了英特爾。他們雖面對著眾多挑戰,包括經濟衰退和技術障礙,但他們樂觀的態度引領他們一路前行,度過每一個難關。他們堅信「未來是屬於樂觀者的」,這使他們將每一次挫折視為成長的機會。正因為他們的這個心態,英特爾才能從存儲芯片走向微處理器,並奠定了個人電腦時代的基礎。



Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, leaves behind a lasting legacy that teaches us the importance of embracing setbacks and learning from them. His famous quote, "One thing a leader does is to remove the stigma of mistake," continues to inspire entrepreneurs and leaders around the world.

During the tumultuous economic landscape of 1968, Moore, along with Robert Noyce and Andy Grove, founded Intel. They faced numerous challenges, including economic downturns and technological hurdles, but their unwavering optimism guided them through each obstacle. Their conviction that "the future favours the optimist" empowered them to view every setback as an opportunity for growth and recalibration. This mindset proved instrumental in Intel's game-changing shift from memory chips to microprocessors, laying the foundation for the personal computing revolution.

Under Moore's astute leadership, Intel experienced its share of mistakes. Yet, instead of lingering on those missteps, Moore urged his team to draw valuable lessons from them and strive for improved outcomes in the future. By adopting Moore's philosophy, leaders can foster a workplace culture that embraces measured risks and transforms failures into valuable learning experiences, ultimately driving innovation and success.

By fostering an environment that celebrates learning from failure, businesses can unlock their full potential, drive innovation, and create lasting impact in their respective industries.

