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【商業智慧】李小龍:不要害怕失敗。失敗本身並非錯誤,錯誤在於設定的目標過低。追求遠大的目標,雖敗猶榮 Bruce Lee: Don't fear failure. — Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail

【商業智慧】李小龍:不要害怕失敗。失敗本身並非錯誤,錯誤在於設定的目標過低。追求遠大的目標,雖敗猶榮 Bruce Lee: Don't fear failure. — Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail

在商業領域中,每位創業家的旅途充滿着挑戰與不確定。李小龍不只在武術界創下無數傳奇,他的人生哲學亦為現代商界領袖提供深遠的啟發。他曾言:「不要害怕失敗。 失敗沒有錯,目標定太低才有錯。 追求遠大目標,雖敗猶榮。」在追求卓越的路上,應勇於設立高遠的目標,並接受可能遭遇的失敗,這比滿足於現狀要來得有價值和意義。



李小龍的人生和哲學提醒我們,在面對困難和挑戰時,應保持靈活和適應性,正如他所言,「Be Water」。在不斷變化的商業環境中,能夠靈活調整策略與方向的企業家,更可能在逆境中找到新機會。


In the business world, every entrepreneur's journey is full of challenges and uncertainties. Bruce Lee not only created countless legends in the martial arts world, but his life philosophy also provides profound insights for modern business leaders. He said, "Don't fear failure. — Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail." In the pursuit of excellence, we should be brave in setting lofty goals and accepting possible failures, as this is more valuable and meaningful than being content with the status quo.

Bruce Lee broke through the boundaries of martial arts and built a bridge between Eastern and Western cultures, demonstrating the importance of goals and challenges through his actions. He faced not only physical confrontations but also cultural and racial barriers, yet he never backed down, instead turning these challenges into the motivation to move forward.

The journey of entrepreneurship is inevitably filled with hardships and setbacks, but these challenges should not be seen as obstacles, but rather as steps on the path to success. Failure is not only an opportunity for learning and growth but also a litmus test for our determination and resilience. The true warrior is not one who never fails, but one who can stand up from failure and learn and grow from it.

Bruce Lee's life and philosophy remind us to remain flexible and adaptable in the face of difficulties and challenges, as he said, "Be Water." In the ever-changing business environment, entrepreneurs who can adjust their strategies and directions flexibly are more likely to find new opportunities in adversity.

Let's draw inspiration from Bruce Lee's story and bravely set those seemingly unreachable goals. Even if we encounter setbacks in the pursuit process, remember, these experiences enrich our lives and make us more resilient. On the path of entrepreneurship, let us embrace every failure as a valuable lesson on the way to success.

