【工作新常態】研究:7成受訪者不期望工作度假 新工作型態是機遇亦是挑戰 Study suggests 70% of the interviewees do not want Workation: Balancing Opportunities and Challenges in the New Work Style
世界各地不少企業在今年意識到混合工作模式是大勢所趨。根據彭博引用WFH Research的最新數據,過半年輕員工表示混合式工作是他們願意繼續停留的關鍵。實行混合工作模式,靈活運用辦公空間,能夠改善員工生活質素之余,亦能降低傳統上需要承擔的租金開支。而不少香港企業也開始響應這個大潮流。
全球已有四十多個國家推出「數碼遊牧簽證」(Digital Nomads Visa),迎合遙距在家工作潮流,「數碼遊牧簽證」特別適合可以跨國工作的人,甚至允許他們一邊旅行一邊工作。「數碼遊牧簽證」允許遙距工作者在該國逗留九十天至五年,體驗生活的同時刺激當地經濟。
In the wake of the pandemic, companies worldwide have discovered that hybrid work models are the way forward. As per Bloomberg's WFH Research, more than half of young employees consider hybrid work vital for their continued engagement. By implementing flexible office space and hybrid work models, businesses can improve employee quality of life while reducing traditional rental costs. Hong Kong companies have also recognized this trend, and it's no surprise why.
As Hong Kong recovers from the pandemic, its residents are seeking "revenge travel" after being cooped up for three years. According to global data from Trip.com, the number of outbound flight bookings from Hong Kong has increased by a whopping 92% month-on-month for travel dates between April 1 and April 10. "Workations" are also gaining popularity as employees look to combine work and vacation to reduce stress and boost productivity while travelling.
With remote work becoming the norm, several countries worldwide have introduced "digital nomad visas" for people who can work remotely from home. These visas are perfect for those who can work across borders and travel while working. More than forty countries have introduced digital nomad visas, allowing remote workers to stay in the country for 90 days up to five years and stimulate local consumption.
Last year, Klook introduced its "Workation" program that allows employees to travel and work anywhere worldwide for up to thirty working days without losing their original salary or personal leave. During their free time, they can immerse themselves in different cultures worldwide. Workations not only increase job satisfaction and allow employees to relax, but they also broaden their horizons and stimulate thinking. It also benefits the tourism industry and stimulates the economy.
Despite being a trend, many employees are still hesitant about Workations. According to a recent survey by JobSage, 71% of respondents expect their vacations in 2023 to not involve work. While 38% of respondents plan to work during their vacations, only 29% plan to take a Workation. Employers need to effectively implement hybrid work models to maintain a work-life balance while boosting productivity, ultimately achieving a win-win situation for everyone involved.