【職場新常態】Z世代和千禧一代推動下,未來職場文化三大趨勢 Three Major Trends in Future Workplace Culture Driven by Generation Z and Millennials
回顧近年的職場改變,在Z世代和千禧一代的推動下,可預見2030年的工作文化將截然不同。澳洲文化研究所CEO Karl Treacher預測了2030年的職場前景,這對於我們理解未來的職場文化至關重要。
- 工作靈活性將成為新常態
從傳統的9到5工作模式轉變為更個性化、彈性的工作安排,將為年輕一代的職場生活帶來革命性改變。根據德勤的一項調查,這兩代人最重視的是自由選擇工作地點。疫情加速了這一變化,使員工在工作與生活平衡方面取得顯著進步。遠程工作和自選工作時間的實踐,不僅提高了工作效率,也增強了員工的工作與生活平衡。 - 重視員工福祉
隨著越來越多打工仔對心理健康問題保持開放,企業將更加注重預防措施,如正念訓練,而不僅僅是反應性的療法。強調對員工全面福祉的關懷,將是一個重大的轉變。 - 技術技能和同理心成未來領導核心素質
As we look back at the workplace changes in recent years, especially with the influence of Gen Z and Millennials, we can foresee that the work culture in 2030 will present a radically different appearance. Karl Treacher, CEO of the Culture Institute of Australia, has predicted the workplace outlook for 2030, which is crucial for us to understand the future work culture.
- Work Flexibility Becomes the New Normal
The shift from the traditional 9-to-5 work model to more personalized and flexible work arrangements will bring revolutionary changes to the work life of the younger generation. According to a Deloitte survey, what these two generations value most is the freedom to choose their work location. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated this change, allowing employees to make significant progress in balancing work and life. The practice of remote work and choosing work hours not only improves work efficiency but also enhances the work-life balance of employees. - Prioritizing Employee Well-being
As more working professionals openly discuss mental health issues, businesses will focus more on preventative measures, such as mindfulness training, rather than just reactive therapies. This will be a major shift, emphasizing the care for employees' overall well-being. - Technical Skills and Empathy as Core Qualities for Future Leaders
As technologies like artificial intelligence continue to evolve, the younger generation, proficient in these skills, will naturally emerge as the new leaders. They will lead workplace culture towards a healthier and more efficient direction.
These changes are not just a temporary phenomenon, but a continuous and irreversible transformation. We are standing at the threshold of a new era, and the future workplace will be more humanized, flexible, and technology-driven. For Gen Z and Millennials, these changes are not only challenges but also opportunities.