【行業數據】研究:未來五年將有四分一職業被淘汰 Reports suggest one quarter of current jobs will be disrupted in the next five years

【行業數據】研究:未來五年將有四分一職業被淘汰  Reports suggest one quarter of current jobs will be disrupted in the next five years





調整發現,增長最快的職業是由技術、數字化和可持續性推動的,當中大多數更與人工智能(AI )和機器學習專家(Machine Learning Specialists )有關,其次是可持續發展專家(Sustainability Specialists)、商業分析師(Business Intelligence Analysts)和信息安全分析師(Information Security Analysts)。隨著經濟轉向可再生能源,可再生能源工程師(Renewable Energy Engineers)和太陽能安裝和系統工程師等職位也相對快速增長。



The topic of the future of jobs is currently a hotly debated issue, and the Future of Jobs Report 2023 by the World Economic Forum contains some interesting findings that are worth noting. The report collected data from 803 companies across 27 industry clusters and 45 economies, employing over 11.3 million workers collectively, revealing some crucial trends.

Employers predict a structural labour market churn of 23% of jobs in the next five years. This means that a mix of emerging jobs will be added, and declining jobs will be eliminated. Respondents anticipate a structural job growth of 69 million jobs, and a decline of 83 million jobs due to economic pressure and automation. This suggests that one quarter of current jobs will be disrupted in the next five years.

Technology adoption will continue to be a significant driver of business transformation in the next five years. Over 85% of organisations surveyed identified increased adoption of new and frontier technologies, as well as broadening digital access as the trends most likely to drive transformation in their organisations. The technologies most likely to be adopted by the organisations surveyed are big data, cloud computing, and AI, with over 75% of companies looking to adopt these technologies in the next five years.

The survey also indicates that the most significant job creation and destruction effects come from environmental, technology, and economic trends. Businesses predict that the strongest net job-creation effect will be driven by investments that facilitate the green transition of businesses, the broader application of ESG standards, and supply chains becoming more localised.

The fastest-growing roles relative to their size today are driven by technology, digitalization, and sustainability. The majority of the fastest-growing roles are technology-related roles, with AI and Machine Learning Specialists topping the list, followed by Sustainability Specialists, Business Intelligence Analysts, and Information Security Analysts. Renewable Energy Engineers and Solar Energy Installation and System Engineers are also relatively fast-growing roles as economies shift towards renewable energy.

On the other hand, the fastest-declining roles relative to their size today are driven by technology and digitalization. The majority of the fastest-declining roles are clerical or secretarial roles, with Bank Tellers and Related Clerks, Postal Service Clerks, Cashiers and Ticket Clerks, and Data Entry Clerks expected to decline fastest.

Overall, the future of jobs will be shaped by a combination of technology adoption and the green transition. The key takeaway is that while some jobs will decline, others will emerge, and the shift towards technology, digitalization, and sustainability will drive specific areas of job growth and decline. It's important to stay informed about these trends to prepare for the future of work.

