

剛畢業的新鮮人會擔心自己選錯公司、入錯行,稍有歷練的職場人士則畏懼轉換跑道,做錯決定。對此,微軟創辦人比爾蓋茲(Bill Gates)告誡眾人:「你的人生不是一場獨幕劇(Your life isn’t a one-act play.)」「你明天或未來十年所做的事,不一定是你要做一輩子的事。」

蓋茲於上月受邀到北亞利桑那大學(Northern Arizona University)演講,對該校的畢業生致詞,分享自己對於職場生涯以及人生的看法。而其中一項他希望自己當初在踏入職場前聽到的建議,就是「你的人生不是一場獨幕劇」。




Fresh graduates often worry about choosing the wrong company or career path, while experienced professionals fear changing lanes and making wrong decisions. In response to this, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates advises everyone, "Your life isn't a one-act play. What you do tomorrow or in the next ten years might not be what you want to do for a lifetime."

Last month, Gates was invited to speak at Northern Arizona University's graduation ceremony, where he shared his insights on careers and life. One piece of advice he wished he had heard before entering the workforce was, "Your life isn't a one-act play."

For graduates, the transition into the workforce and society can be daunting, leading them to believe that they must choose the perfect career and make the right decisions, as these choices will permanently impact their lives. However, Gates reminds everyone that what they do tomorrow or even in the next ten years might not be what they want to do for a lifetime.

Gates shared his own experience, recalling how he initially thought he would work at Microsoft for his entire career. But today, while he still loves software work, his full-time focus is on philanthropy. He dedicates his time to innovations, tackling climate change, and reducing inequalities worldwide, including disparities in health and education.

He emphasized that this wasn't the future he envisioned at 22, but he believes that experimenting and trying different paths is not a bad thing. Whether it's changing your mind or pursuing a second career, it can be a fantastic journey.

