【人工智能】摩根大通行政總裁戴蒙論人工智能:人類可能只需每週工作3.5天,且有望活到100歲 JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon on Artificial Intelligence: Humans might only need to work 3.5 days a week and could expect to live up to 100 years


摩根大通行政總裁戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)近日接受訪問時,分享了對於人工智能(AI)的前景及其對未來工作模式的影響。戴蒙預測,受益於科技進步,未來人類可能只需每週工作3.5天,且下一代有望活到100歲而不會罹患癌症。



JPMorgan's CEO, Jamie Dimon, recently shared his views on the prospects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on future work patterns during an interview. Dimon predicts that, thanks to technological advancements, humans might only need to work 3.5 days a week in the future, and the next generation could expect to live up to 100 years without suffering from cancer.

Furthermore, Dimon mentioned that AI technology is widely implemented at JPMorgan with thousands of employees using it. He stated that AI is "crucial to the future success of our company". AI not only helps the company in developing new products but also enhances productivity, improves customer engagement, and strengthens risk management.

However, with every technological advancement comes risks. Dimon candidly mentioned that while AI can improve work efficiency, it might replace certain job roles, noting "new technology always replaces jobs." He also cautioned that, like all technologies, there's a risk of AI being misused.

